It is hard enough to imagine what the world in general will look like in 18 years.
How Will The WTS Society Look In The Year 2030? How Will They Explain Why The Generation Is Now 116 Years Old?
by AvocadoJake 16 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I think the 2034 date will be brought to the for, only to be replaced by yet another date, or New light. The annointed are still growing in numbers. Partaker count, 20k
I think that more people will wake up and start to see how big of a cult and a joke this religion is, and just fade or disassociate themselves. I dont see any large growth anytime soon, thanks to the internet and technology. I dont see them setting another 1975 date. I dont see a reforming going on anything soon, either. Maybe a implode, but no reforming or establishing different groups within the dead movement.
The fact that it's still going strong on the cusp of 2012 is proof that there'll always be, at the very minimum, a significant core of kool-aid drinkers with memories no longer than a feather...
lol @ Cadellin and so true @ with memories no longer than a feather ;)
A little trivia, did you know that Jim Jones had served his followers a drink called "Grape Flavor-aid" was a cheap knock off of Kool-Aid. The 2034 dates sounds intriguing but I would not doubt anything now. Using the number of years Noah preached with 1914 being the date Jehovah told them (Early Presidents of WTS.) Jesus was installed as King. This is a logical date, that would be swallowed down so quick, with little or no thinking. I heard two brothers in their 30s say, "I don't think we will be seeing the Promised Land in our life time." They talked about all the brothers and sister (Older Ones.) dying off like flies, who were poor, and had no pensions, on State Care (Welfare for the Poor.). Why don't the older Special Pioneers get a free retirement like the COs and DOs we are ponying up for now? They move into our Hall and we pay their expenses, while WTS gives them $300 or a little more for living expenses. Strange, we dump the pioneers, put them on welfare and pay for the shiney happy COs and DOs, with apartments and new modest homes. Aint that nice! One of the annointed back in 1990 claimed his reasearch pointed towards 2024, he was in his 80s and now dead. He realized he would not see the Good Land, this really sucks to be leading all these people on a string. Don't they have a conscience and have the fortitude to say "Hey We Are Wrong! Can You Forgive Us? We Had Good Motives And Beg For Your Forgiveness! Please Don't Shun Us, We Tried!" yet it is endless Carrot dangled before the horse driven Cart." Poor Horsie never gets that carrot, it's dried up and blown away!
Aussie Oz
Perhaps they have to look after the CO and DOs or they might go postal on the Watchtower...Imagine an army of disgruntled COs and DOs running amuck on the internet!
2030?... 9 million, mostly due to born ins and tighter control, very Exlusive Bretheren, making the internet without a WT Browser a DF offence and the door to door work has been declared 'done to jehovahs' satisfaction and sit tight and wait it out.