Thoughts on my life now

by freshstart 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freshstart

    Though there are still problems in my life, as with everyone's life, I see the world so much differently now. I no longer feel threatened from "worldly" people, as though somehow they are out to destroy me or take advantage of me. It's very mentally liberating to realize that those walls the organization so erroneously put up can be scaled and that there is true beauty waiting on the other side. I often feel that the shades have been lifted and the sun is finally pouring in on my soul. It's amazing! I will never again subject myself to such control and fanaticism.

    "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

    Send quote to a friend Soren Kierkegaard "

  • sabastious
  • OnTheWayOut

    There are plenty of problems in my life since leaving the WTS. But those problems or worse ones would have been there anyway, and I would have had to go to the Kingdom Hall, give talks, go out in the dreaded recruiting work, stayed in that silly rat race.

    Your sentiments are awesome. Waking up (late) on a weekend and not having to rush off- that's priceless.

  • Found Sheep
  • WTWizard

    It is bad enough what is happening anyways. Having a god (Jehovah) that wants me away from the opposite sex, the problems with money and banking terrorists (who intend to destroy your dollars, euros, and pounds), governments that insist on running your life, and companies that act as if working for them is a privilege that requires massive obedience that is not necessary for your job performance are enough. But, being one of Jehovah's Witlesses did absolutely nothing to mitigate any of it--if anything, it made things even worse.

    Additionally, it creates additional problems. When I was a witless, I always dreaded Thanksgiving because Christmas music would play everywhere. I also felt under pressure to do field circus and attend boasting sessions. They would censor my music, bash video games (even innocuous ones like Pokemon), and make the Internet look like an apostate-infested, porn-infested, virus-infested wasteland where you learn nothing but are subject to poison. That not only limited options to reduce other problems (like finding countries that are less tyrannical or job opportunities that are less subject to stupid rules). But, the waste of my time meant not getting necessary things done. It ruined my study habits since there is no point in studying a washtowel rag. (Which is not the case when you are trying to replace a hard drive or motherboard in someone's computer or figure out how to move out of your soon-to-be totalitarian country, or how to invest your money so it won't become worthless).

    Jehovah's own wickedness is bad enough. Adding the Washtowel Slaveholdery makes it that much worse, without solving anything.

  • Paralipomenon

    My new goal in life is to create the "Apostate Porn Virus" I shall live in Witness infamy for all time!

  • Gayle

    It's so wonderful to just enjoy the simple things more. So many positive things to do and not have to dwell on the over-judgementalism of every little thing, and not to judge people as 'worldly' or 'not spiritual,' or 'not theocractic.' Leaving was such a relief, such a breath of fresh air. Relaxation to embrace. Finding that I could laugh at myself more, instead even hyper-critical of myself over such little things.

    I enjoy celebrating 'this' life, the seasons and events. I am more thankful for 'this' life.

  • wobble

    Dear freshstart, thank you for the thread and your thoughts, and the other posters , thank you too.

    It is good to look at our life now, and see and appreciate how much better life out of, and away from the influence of, the Borg really is!

    We do not do well if we waste our new freedom, but we do have something that it is invaluable , time to spare. O.K life can still be too busy and full if we let it but the quote I like on this matter is:

    "What is this life, so full of care, if we do not have time to stop, and stare".

    We are a unique lot, the ones who have escaped the cult, we have all been given a fresh start, wonderful !

  • QuestioningEverything

    Very nice post! As time goes on, your life will only get better in regards to the old JW mentality. So happy that you are able to enjoy it now.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I know what you mean! I remember thinking how horriable the world must be and how crupt people are but seriously it to getting to know that person individually that I was like No way! What makes me (us Jehovah's Witnesses) so special... my "worldly friend" had a good heart and wonderful upbringing with a pastor as a father. I have her on facebook now and every now and then look at her page... she is a misionary and preaching.

    There are good people in this world and they are welcoming and friendly just the same... expect they respect and don't disown their own... they are always there for them!

    I haven't read your other post but I will just so I see where you are on things but thanks for posting!! It's so encouraging to see more and more people freeing from a constricted spirit!

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