How is everyone by the way!?!

by Butterflyleia85 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butterflyleia85

    I'm good but I would rather hear about you! hehe Miss you all!! I haven't been on here for a while. I will check this post tomorrow morning so please leave your comments!! :)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Good at work would rather not be ... but this is my "friday" so 8 hours to go

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    doing pretty good except for the loss of our dear cat.

    Would like to hear from Sylvia again her disappearance is worrisome.

  • AGuest

    Doing fine and just "hangin'", for now, dear BL (peace to you!). Yeah, hearing from/about dear Sylvia would be great, dear ND (peace to you, as well!).

    SA, on her own...

  • Butterflyleia85

    k couldn't wait til tomorrow haha was excited to see who posted... (I'm lame I know)


    Found Sheep wow you must live in a different region or something it's Monday for me Ugh!! but I'm a bet fortunite, Just a stay at home mom here cleaning house and taking care of 8mth old!

    Nancy Drew awww sorry bout your cat!! I use to have three and poor Izabell got out and we havent seen her sence this summer. We think someone picked her up and took her.

    AGuest! That's cool yeah just having a lil mommy time while baby takes his nap.

    I emailed Slyvia and said people on JWN was asking about her.

    Nice to hear from you guys!!

  • straightshooter

    I am doing fine. My son has had a bad cough for several days now. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics, so hopefully that will solve his health problem.

    I also want to express that I miss Sylvia.

  • Butterflyleia85

    straightshooter I hope your son gets feeling better! Last month it seemed like we had the same problem with a runny nose... my son had it and then me and then him and so on... it lasted for four weeks!! He is still to young for him to get a prescription so he had to suffer. I felt so sorry for him when he got so stuffy he couldn't breath good. But funny, one morning I went in the mirror to find dried up snot smeared across my face!! Yuck!! haha That's babies for ya! Wipen their face on yours. (I was half asleep when it happened cause I still get up three times a night to feed him. ha)

    Nice to hear from you!

    Anyone know how Lady Lee is doing? I ran across one of her posts on the and it looked like she was recovering from a loss of an unborn grandchild. Sorry to hear Lady Lee.

  • flipper

    BUTTERFLY- Life is great ! Wifey and I are doin' well . A crazy bear has been getting in everyones garbage in our neighborhood . He climbed in the back of my truck the other night all the way inside my camper shell and pulled out a 45 gallon big bag of our kitchen garbage- spreading it on the ground behind my truck. So we all are going to have to tighten up the trash bins around here in the mountains. Nutcase bears.

    Both of us are working hard still , trying to rest when we can. My inactive non-Witness attorney niece may be moving to our area in our town from the San Fransisco area to where we are in town here ! We are both excited, she's 36 and really fun to be around. Since my older JW sister shuns my niece I feel like a dad as well as uncle to her, so both my wife and I have gotten close to her lately. She's breaking up with her boyfriend of 6 years ( he's somewhat nuts ) and she seems really happy wanting to gain her freedom from an abusive relationship. So we will be here for her when she moves. My son & his girlfriend are doing fine . Still live about an hour away. I still dont hear from my daughters at all hardly, but I keep hoping.

    How are you and hubby ? How s your new baby ? Doin' O.K. ? Well, gotta go to sleep, I get up at 6 : 00 A.M. for work. Mrs. Flipper sends her love. Take care kiddo

  • Butterflyleia85

    AWW man how cool is that!! hahaha I know your prob like eh not to cool... BUT man a bear!!! I would love to see one up close well... a friendly one that is. hahaha

    Your guys are so awesome!! :) I know that you have delt with shunning and well it all works out eventually and in it's own way... see you rescued your niece! And your son! I will keep my prayer for your daughter... <3

    My family is wonderful.. we have Christmas pic apt today so actually I should get ready. But Thanks for responding to my post!! Always happy to hear from you!! Tell Mrs Flipper to I said Hi! :)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    It was monday for me too... just my last day of work ended up having a horable day!!! unexpected code and a Doc was mean to meBAD DAY

    today recooperating

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