King David Part 2
David lived as a caveman but wanted to become King and build a temple... something about marauding bands... Jah is pleased.
Jehovah asked David to kill lots of people then said he wasn't pleased with his record as a Man of War. Jehovah may not want elders who have killed people either.
Then he talks about embarrassing stuff that happened in the 1930s. Apparently brothers were asked to display flashing signs in their windows saying something about riches and enquire within (something about advertising a book. I wonder if anyone was burgled).
"Brothers, don't wish you had a university education and nice houses. We have been saved from many sufferings."
Talks about Armageddon in the past tense (has it already happened?!!)
His last talk was about encouraging the weak. I have an entire page of notes listing the reasons he gave that JWs are depressed. Felt depressed at the end of it myself.
I have plenty more gems if anyone's interested. But all in all it was a pretty dire assembly.