Fading??? Please explain how this is done?

by marriedtoajw 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    If you enter "fading" on the search engine of this forum you will find a number of threads about how to fade successfully.

    As people have pointed out, there's no surefire way, but there are a lot of good ideas here and a number of success stories.

  • outsmartthesystem

    "I mean, wouldn't JW family members know that a fader is not going to meetings anymore and would want to know why?"

    Yes.....it all comes down to the technicality of having your name read from a platform as disfellowshipped or not. So long as your name hasn't officially been read from the platform.....you are not off limits. In fact....your family my be extra nice to you because they are trying to encourage you to come back to meetings. But as soon as you are DF'd.... your family no longer has contact with you.

    For witnesses with family IN........fading is a must

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