Disturbing; "Another case was from a neighboring hall that a close elder friend confided in me on, since his conscience was justifiably stricken. There was a baptized boy 16 years old who confessed to "immorality" with an unbaptized, "interested" person who was active at the meetings. She was 22! A judicial committee being formed on what is legally statuatory rape is unthinkable, but he was disfellowshipped. Not a thing happened with the woman."
A similar situation occured in a west coast Kingdom Hall involving an Elder and a 16 year old boy he had studied with. For years, a number of boys had complained about a popular affluent (Married) Elder who owned a sporting goods store "Touching them" and "leering". The local Elders warned these boys to "not speak injurously of Glorious ones" and "Older Men". The teenaged boys were labled as "rebellious" for gossiping about "a spirit annointed elder". EVENTUALLY it came out this "Spirit annointed Elder" was a Pedophile. However one of his last victims was disfellowshipped as well! A 16 year old for "Homosexuality". The reason given by that body..????? "He should of Known better"..he was 16.!!!!! What about that body knowing better and ignoring complaints for years???