There's a bit of an inside joke with the shiraz bottle. At the second (or was it the first?) Aussie Apostate BBQ, Ozziepost broke a full bottle of Shiraz. We were all dismayed at the waste of a good Shiraz, but in true Aussie spirit, we promptly opened another one to comiserate!
Fortunately when Mrs Ozzie broke the shiraz bottle yesterday, it was empty.
A good time was had by all at yesterday's BBQ. The rain held off, and we got a little sunburnt! Hippikon did the manly thing in trying to get the BBQ going, which he did, despite the fact that all the wood was wet! We were entertained by Hippikon's children, which proves that apostates actually love their children!
Stay tuned for announcements in a couple of months' time for the next Aussie Apostate BBQ Bash!!