Why are so many Jehovahs Witnesses and escpecially ex-JWs so unaware and ignorant of the New World Order and the World Goverment? And is the Watchtower a part of the New World Order and the World Goverment under the United Nations and the Vatican? My rrsearch says this is the case. Why do hardly any of JWs and exJWs no nothing about the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Eugenics and depopulation, geoengineering, all 33 degreess of Freemasonry orders the New World Order and the Federal Reserve. Why are you unaware of real history? Why does the Watchtower say they are watching world affairs but say nothing about the mass depopulation and oppressive tyrannical world goverment that is oppressing the world with Americans as the number one target? Why have you not awakened to the Truth that matters!!!??? The hour is late, we are under code red alert danger! Wake up people!
Why are so many JWs and exJWs unaware of the New World Order and the World Goverment?
by Infowarrior 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals
"but say nothing about the mass depopulation..."
Didn't we just reach 7 billion?
The Georgiga Guidestones call for no more then 500 million people im balamce with nature. Obama administration enviorment czar John Holdren wrote Ecosciemce calling for a world regime to implememt forced sterization and vaccanition and sterization of he water and food supies. We are run by an irder of death. Vaccines that as called for by the Rockefellers and rotcshcilds to create vaccines that deliver sterilants along with aluminumadjuvants and live viruses and where doctors admit vaccines with over 40+ dffrent live viruses and who say that we should give babies 10000 vaccines at once. Read books like population bomb or the NyT article on gates winfrey rockefeller meeting to discuss depopulation as the NYT called it the "superhero club" or maybe the countless young girls who have been maimed and handicapped or eved died hours and days after the gardas hpv vaccine. and on and onits relentless evil under the world goverment that has already been set up
please bear with my spelling im on ipod and must use html p tags
Ohhh my
still thinking
I don't know what to think about this stuff...my inlaws are into these theories...I can't help feeling they are wasting their lives on something that isn't true...but who knows...I could be wrong...it wouldn't be the first time...LOL
oh my is right. Do ANY of you even realize what it means to be a 501c3 organization? have you heard about the DHS Clergy Response Teams? all religious groups are under DHS orders to tell you to calm down take the shots and go the camps. Its all been declassified.
I brought this up once.
It gets very little interest on this forum. I find it strange that alot people who have escaped religous deception are completely shut off to,at least, the probability of it.