The Prodigal son...rejected.

by Londo111 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Londo111

    I was a third generation witness, a ministerial servant twice in my life, a failed pioneer (I only made it six months). When the article about higher education come out, my family finally decided it was okay for me to get a two year degree. And that enabled me to provide for myself--before that is was impossible.

    Toward the end, I was inactive for a year and, in retrospect, I could have easily faded had I been wise. But sometimes I thought I felt the presence of God in a congregation or two, while the vast majority felt dead to me. Of course, maybe a Divine force is at work through individuals of many religions, and that is what I sensed. Maybe this sense is nothing more than a collective super-consciousness formed by a gathering of like-minded believers. Or maybe I was an idiot.

    I wanted to repent and make things right. I wanted spiritual help. I wanted to the experience of the prodigal son, and the various Gospel parables and stories where a repentant sinner returns and is accepted back. I felt confident that God and Christ were merciful and that certainly the elders were in the right hand of Christ. All I needed to do was come forward, confess, and they would give me spiritual help.

    I quickly discovered that whatever I imagined was in that congregation did not stem the elders on the judicial committee. Still, I felt a confidence, though, however waved, that if I prayed that God would hear me and move the brothers on the appeal committee. After all, the merciful are shown mercy are they not? That's what we sung. They felt mercy was shown once…and apparently that was the limit, despite Jehovah being a God "full of mercy".

    I begged them. I cried…and as a male, I do not cry often. I told them I couldn't get spiritually better without support of friends and family. I needed them to rally around me more than ever. I needed encouragement from the brothers and sisters and to work with them. After all, I thought to myself, it was not good for a perfect man to be alone, and prayer wasn't sufficient for his companionship needs, how much more so a sinner like me! I was willing to be clay in the hands of the elders, if they would only work with me on a regular basis. I had changed. I was determined not to repeat my mistakes which were committed during a period of dark depression after my wife left. The last thing I needed is to be abandoned again…this time, by EVERYONE I knew!

    But that whole experience showed me what was in the heart of the organization. Thick headed, hard-hearted men that are not qualified to help anyone spiritually. Unyielding bureaucracy and blind, one-size-fits-all procedure. They did not prove to be a "hiding place from the wind and a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless country, like the shadow of a heavy crag in an exhausted land." They were the very ones throwing me out into the storm, abandoning me in wilderness and robbing me of any refreshment.

    I attended one meeting after the final decision…before the announcement. But it was difficult. I have severe social anxiety. It made field service very difficult and because of this, I always thought I was going to be destroyed no matter what. Like many here, I have very low self esteem. One part came from having an alcoholic father, who was an elder for up until he stepped down a few years ago. It is strange how many times they look the other way on drunkenness.

    But back to my social anxiety after the Decision. I was having a panic attack in the back row--and they hadn't even made the announcement yet. Afterward, I did manage to attend the Memorial because it was so ingrained in me that I could not miss that, but that was held at an assembly hall. And my ex-wife, who was disfellowshipped by then too, came with me. It helped having somebody with me.

    After that, I never returned. With my social anxiety, and due to them blocking out the back rows, it was very hard to attend. It was hard to begin with, but after being proclaimed an 'unrepentant sinner', and having to be scrutinized week after week before a multitude, it was just too painful. Those without social anxiety could never understand. Also--to hear the elders who were on the judicial committee act all lubby dubby during their talks, when I've seen underneath their mask, it was too much.

    To part from my best friend, it was a heartwretching experience, even more than my own family. To not have any sort of reprieve, from friends or family, it has been unbearable at times. I would not wish disfellowshipping on anyone, not even on Adolph Hitler. Truly if they had executed me, it would have been kinder.

    But the experience finally enabled me to take a realistic look at things, past the myth of Spiritual Paradise that had been ingrained in me all my life. The myth was, either implied or said outright, that God's Kingdom was reigning, and that the Organization and its preaching work was an earthly manifestation of that Kingdom. Some even said that not much would change after Armageddon--the earthly arrangement would still be in place and Christ would rule through the organization. This was to be the nucleus of an earthly administration. The only difference was during the thousand years, there would be physical blessings. But for now the Kingdom was confined to only spiritual blessings and in creating a spiritual paradise that was a foregleam of the physical one.

    When my father was overseeing something in regard the convention, a few members of the Governing Body came to town, and my parents had dinner with them. When my parents called upon their hotel room, one said something like, "Welcome to the King's Chambers." I remember being in awe upon hearing that. Wow--my parents ate with Sons of God, Christ's Brothers, future King-Priests! Really, in the back of many Witnesses minds, whether they admit it or not, the Governing Body is basically one step away from Christ himself. Like the Catholics, we had our own Vicar of Christ.

    But the problem had been in the back of my mind for a while, that if Christ was now reigning through this earthly administration, why wasn't the King doing a better job? For instance, I was stunned by the layoffs of some who had been in Bethel for many years, and now they were struggling. I knew of some and I felt for them. Likewise, there were many organizational blunders that would never have been allowed if a superhuman Kingdom reign held firm sway over it--otherwise what was it doing in regards the Earth? It became plain to see that the Kingdom had no clothes. After reading Crisis of Conscience, it plainly showed that the Organization was another instance of man dominating man to his injury.

    The articles on 607 have really been an eye-opener. For the first time, I am able to read them with unveiled eyes, and this site has provided much fact checking, especially with unbiased sources that show how erroneous they are. It is stunning. It is one thing to teach something you believe, which is what I thought they were doing. It is quite another to misrepresent the facts so utterly. These articles feel like a shell game. I really need more of this to give me intellectual capital.

    I feel a need now to be reinstated, because I've a burning need to talk to loved ones, so that I can get a window of opportunity to share these things with them (at least with those who have the mental capacity). The more unbiased sources, the better. To say, this footnote references this, this historian is quoted to say that, but look at the reference in full detail…see what was actually said. Now, look at how it was presented. Now look at the astronomical fingerprint. Now look at what the Bible actually said about what would happen AFTER the 70 years are FULLFILLED--Babylon would be called into account, in 539! The 70 years would start when? In 609. What happened then? Babylon defeated Assyria and became the dominant power over the lands of that region. It makes so much sense! Like Cinderella 's foot sliding into the glass slipper, it agrees 100% with the historical evidence, while 607 is like trying to force the slippers onto a Sasquatch! If I had only known these things before attempting to 'do the right thing'!

    Also, seeing what Ray Franz had said about the Flood, which is something I had suspected, that the flood covered, not "all the earth" but "all the land". The flood therefore was not global. And the chronology might be about 3500 BCE about the time the evidence of such a flood occurring. This makes much more sense!

    I only hope that if I get that chance, it won't be too late for my best friend, who is the most conscientious person I know, who really tries his best to do what is right, and has seen the missteps of overseers of varying degrees. He has sacrificed much, he has endured much. He has a good heart. I have brotherly love toward him like no other person on the earth.

    I did try to join a local meetup group of Ex-JWs, but I don't think I was ever accepted. Maybe the group is now defunt…I don't know. Despite my shyness, I do feel a need for fellowship at times, by people who understand where I am coming from. But for now, I will be happy to pass the time here.

  • rebel8

    I feel a need now to be reinstated, because I've a burning need to talk to loved ones, so that I can get a window of opportunity to share these things with them

    Holy guacamole, that part of your post surprised me. You experienced a lot of pain because of that religion and later because of your so-called loved ones' mean behavior.

    They are small men. Intellectually small and morally small. Why would you want to go through one second of groveling for your status back, just so you can be around these jerks and help them avoid suffering?

    You don't deserve that.

  • Quandry

    Welcome, Londo.

    So sorry that you've lost your friend. Otherwise, welcome to being able to think for yourself, and getting out of the JW's grip.

    I might also add that you express yourself in writing very well.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I believe your feeling to be with loved ones is very understandable. My life has been plagued with nonacceptance by family. They do not seem to love you however. You with the college degree, with the doubts. They love a false image of you that is not real. This forum should help. Frankly, I don't think any thing replaces family. I was severely ill. People at my new church sustained me. There are family substitutes. I lived in Manhattan for decades. Certain neighborhoods are magnets for the dispossessed. People rejected by family. They are an essential part of the local culture. NY celebrates others' outcasts. They are our leaders. NY is just a place. There must be a similar haven for you.

  • sizemik

    Welcome to the forum Londo111 . . .

    The anxiety challenge is one I share. It worked in my favour too around exit time . . . gave me time to research things.

    The myth was, either implied or said outright, that God's Kingdom was reigning, and that the Organization and its preaching work was an earthly manifestation of that Kingdom. Some even said that not much would change after Armageddon--the earthly arrangement would still be in place and Christ would rule through the organization.

    I remember the implications of this slapping me in the face also. All of a sudden the new system didn't look so new after all. I remember deciding I didn't want any part of it even if it was true . . . and of course everything unravelled pretty quickly from there.

    Thanks for your story . . . glad you're out.

  • poopsiecakes

    Londo, I feel your pain. The way you describe your JC was pretty much the way mine went down. I was inactive for a year and a half and had moved, so these men knew nothing about me whatsoever - I was a stranger to them. I cried and begged them to get to know me and mildly chastised them for not bothering to show any interest in me at all until they heard a rumor from someone back home. It took them an hour and a half to give me the boot and when that happened, I knew I would never go back. And this was before I had really started thinking - to me this was still the 'true' religion.

    Looking back I know why I felt the way I did. I grew up under tight mind control, as did you. Now I know that what happened to me was the luckiest thing. Had they been 'merciful' and not DF'd me, I don't know where I would be right now but I suspect I would still be under that familiar and gripping mind control. While it's been scary having to let go of family and friends, I wouldn't change it for anything. I hope you can get to that point as well and start really enjoying your life and your newfound ability to think. It's really quite wonderful.

  • Londo111

    Thank you all.

    As regards the friends and family, the problem is not them, but that they are captives of the concept, followers of followers. Like the blind man's parents who trembled at the Pharisees, they are held in place by a very BIG stick...if they associate with me, as you know, they would end up in the same boat as me.

    My best friend and I parted with many was a sad, not angry parting. We had many 'heretical' discussions about the Bible, evolution, and so forth, combing the spectrum of possibility. For instance, I saw no conflict between Genesis Chapter 1 and Evolution...I couldn't understand why the Society did. Of course, we kept such discussions hush-hush. He saw many problems...fanatics who went even to extremes, a Bethel congergation with 20 elders, where the average person was starving for loving shepherding. I believe he is a person of great Potential and I feel an imperitive to talk about the 607 articles with him, for he has the intellectual capacity to do the research himself independently.

    I don't think my parents would ever listen. It would be over my mother's head. My father is loyalist and for his Myers-Briggs type ISFJ, tradition authority structures are very important. But I would still have to try. As a side not, I remember a pioneer family friend around 1990, ask in a frightened voice (because she wanted Paradise to come, like we all did), "What if the Society has a new understanding on the generation?" My father said in a confident tone, "Even if the end doesn't come, this is still the truth." So I might not get anywhere with him.

    But why try? Friends and family don't want to shun me, they are conflicted about it inside I'm sure. But they want to do what they feel is the right thing and fear the consequences if they don't. True love acts on behalf of others, even on behalf of one's 'enemies'. I'm not really sure if there is a God or not, or if the historical Jesus was in any way like what we read in the Bible, but I do feel that the Gospels are fulls of truths to live by.

    Of course, to those who were on the judical committee and those those men who came up with such an arrangement, I say, "May God see to it and ask back."

  • freshstart

    Beautiful post! As for your father, don't give up on him. I'm an ISFJ also and I was the first one to break away, with my husband (an ENTJ) following later. You never know

  • jamiebowers

    I think you're setting yourself up for great disappointment if you believe that you can get family and friends out of the Watchtower cult by exposing them to the truth about the "truth". If you can manage to get reinstated, you'd have a much better chance of reaching jws by teaching them critical thinking skills and appealing to their non-cult personality as advised by Steven Hassan. But even then your chances are slim to none.

    For your benefit, why not do things for yourself like working on your social anxiety before trying to get reinstated? The more you invest in your true self, the better. I know you must be lonely if you felt that you didn't fit in with other ex-jws in a meet-up group. Maybe you can develop friendships here and on Facebook that will result in real life relationships.

    Click on the blue envelope in the upper right han corner to check for a private message from me. You may have to go back and refresh the page if you get an error message on your intitial try.

  • Vidqun

    I would never, never call in the elders for anything. What do they know? Why would they care? Once bitten, twice shy. If you have a problem, see a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist. These people are trained. Most of them know what they are talking about. I soon realized, if this is what "the new system" is going to be all about (God forbid!), I would have none of it. I sympathize with the friends and family thing. That's the biggest problem to overcome, because these are supposed to be one's support group. Blood is thicker than water.

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