Why have you only negative things too say, wee all now that it is a lot of positive things too say abaout JW, the only religion who say no to war, and give there lifes for it too.
The bibel say one peopel who come out from all this mess, and stad for the name of the ord, who else do this?
Noe here i can read, from a wery famus apostate, RW that it is okey to go out killing our brother,and as we all now many US menn have give there life for defenswar? as in wietnam , and son inn Irak , on the sweed news today, son US attack Irak.
Wake upp peopel here, dont bee a part of these terribel things going on now, dont bee like Kain who kild his brother.
jesus say love even you anemy. I think it is marvelus too find that it is one peopel on earth who is outside from all this mess,
Dan 2:44 rev 6:14-17
I have think a lot of what happend on this site, and this enormus wind of terribel accuse , to JW.
Evry religion have some things who nor is good, and also JW, but i think it is realy unfair to accuse JW for minor things as happend here, when none have anything too say abauot all this mess inn sverel bigg religions, as the war in Ireland killing peopel evry day, beetven Catolic and protestant peopel.
War in former yougoslavia where priests bless killing of musslims, and say it was good.
And the most terribel of it all, Ruwanda, the place where so calld free cristians have missionaris sens 100 year, and the catolic have a line too the goverment, what hapend, you all now this, millions of peopel killd, and why, have ther priests lernd them too
show love even your anymie, i think this must bee a bigg burden on the judgment day for this spirutal leaders. Even if some problems could bee fond inn JW leadership in evry oing, it is fare from this terribel things made by many diffret religions.
One other thing , who comes that you on intenret is telling things saing to you in confidence?
IF you do the same thing for the company you work for, i think you have to quite same day.
Yo seems too be a nice men, so this disturb mee very much, who can you do thing like that, isnt that to betrade a confidence.
I want you too look one some bibel books, james 4:11 5:9,13 . 1 petr 2:1. 2 petr 2:1-3, 3.3-4. 1joh 3:11-13 .Jud 11 -13,18
3joh :9,10.
Thuis scripturs can we say a lot abauot, intresting to here you point of wiue.
greetings happy man, still a JW, working for what i think is good.foregive mee my bad english.
Qestions too Amaizing
by happy man 20 Replies latest jw friends
happy man
happyman you really must be a zombie. you certainly speak like one. you are in a religion where the idea of free thought or expression is non existant. You as an individual cannot voice your opinion. You can only voice what the society deems to be correct. Get with it and get a life for once. You too can get a life, some things wrong my ass. most of what we were taught doctrinally is just so much baloney. So you stifle yourself and go back to the teat that you sucked on for so long.
happy man,
Unfortunately, you are looking at the world through watchtower colored glasses. Things are not as they appear. The watchtower is no better than any other religious organization, as you will find out soon enough, as the pedophilia issue and watchtower cover up airs.
What you think you know about the world is fed to you by those who want you to follow them. Your opinions are shaped by information control. Most of us here have had the same experience, and then, the blinders came off.Stick around, you may find out that you have been grossly misinformed by those you trust the most. When that happens, there will be many here who show you love and support through that devastating experience.
OK, happyman you want some things that JWs consider good? OK, here they are.
(I am going to try to think the same way a Jehovah's Witness thinks)
How about letting your child die as the result of refusing a blood transfusion! It is OK, because the jw will see her child in paradise and the child won't have to live through this wicked system of things.
Shunning your own child, mother or father after they have been disfellowshipped. That is OK too. As a Witness you can't be around disfellowshipped people. If you have to shun people in you own family that is OK.
The society predicted the world would end in 1914, 1925, and 1975. Even though they were wrong we should ignore it. Because, or course, the society would never lie to us.
If there is someone in the congregation who has, in the past, molested children, then we should ignore that too. If the elders know about it then I am sure that the molester has repented.
And of course you can do anything that a group of old men in Brooklyn tell you is correct.
Yes, these are all things that a Witness should really be proud of.
WAKE UP, HAPPYMAN! These are all things that happen everyday in Kingdom Halls all over the world.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"
I cannot really believe that you are for real. But on the off chance that a Swede with a terrible grasp of English would actually make such a post , may I say that I too used to believe all that the WT. said.
I used to swallow their self proclaiming ,trumpet blowing about the love of the org. - until I found out for myself that they are no better tham many other groups in this way.The issue of nuetrality and non warfare is obvously big with you, as it is with me . I am still as horrified by the events as I was when a dub. But what about the millions of conscience struck people who also refuse to fight . A new film highlights Mahammed Ali who refused to go to Viet Nam , and was certainly not a witnes!!
I am just saying that they cannot claim the sole rights on conscienteous objection.Please read with an open mind what people say in response to your post- it could just make you think!
happy man
I take it that you are not trolling. One possibility is that you have been throughly brainwashed and blinded by JW's. Hang on this forum for a while and you might change your views. As a consequence you may find yourself even happier man than today.
Most if not all rank and file JW's are sincere and honest it is just the organization that is corrupt.
"Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet
happy man
I can tell you that i dont think that so many of you have so much expiriens like mee.
Elder for 25 year, 5 children, 2 not JW one have been Dfd, but now JW again.
I se that you dont answer my qestions, only tell who silly i am, nor soo good arguing.
I think it is 1 million JW in US, when I read here i think it is one million apostates, who many are you?
If you read in the bibel i think you fing that the nation of israel dont where so perfekt, even if they where Jehovas peopel,
think of david, and some others.
youwill find a lot of problems inn evry religion, i new myself very well some here inn sweden,
and they have very big trubbels, a lot more than JW.
I think some of you are very blind, also. -
Do you have an English spell check, just a thought!
In America many other religious groups speak against war. Two of the best known are: the Society of Friends also called the Quakers
the Mennonites. Do you have those groups in Sweden? They are not the only groups which favor peace.The Free Christians have existed a number of years now, and there are Free Christians in Sweden too. Most believe hell is not literal fire, Jehovah will resurrect some people on earth and others go to heaven. Most are also very peaceful and practice active love although allowing for defensive actions if pushed. And they favor much greater Christian freedom of conscience, beliefs and actions.
Why not become a Free Christian like I am: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] -
After struggling through 2 or 3 lines, I gave up.
Too hard to read.
As a Swede, your english should certainly be better.
Are all the mistakes on purpose ?
What purpose ?