What is the actual PRODUCT being sold by Jehovah's Witnesses??

by Terry 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    Yes I think it's life insurance buy into it and you won't have to worry about death that's their scam .They can't lose Witnesses regulary invest, regulary die, and the Watchtower doesn't need to pay out thank you very much.

    Their sales brochures are the books and magazines their sales meeting are held at the Kingdom Hall the group conferences are held to boost morale as well as sales and so it goes on year after year generating plenty of money honey.

  • OnTheWayOut

    WTS is a printing company. We can get all philosophical if we want to, but they sell magazines, books, pamphlets.
    Their advertising is toward their salesmen- the promise of never dying. The salesmen try to convey that promise in their sales, but also rely heavily on the pity from the householders.

    It's the same pity that makes you give a dollar to the guy who wants to clean your windshield.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Their selling a belief. The income is mostly from promotional items (that each congregation purchase) that support and promote this belief. But what happens when people will no longer accept anything on the printed page as it seems this avenue of communication is dying to the digital media? How will they produce income then?

  • fokyc

    "Waste Paper"! absolutely nothing else.

  • Heaven

    The actual product is Vapourware.... Smoke and Mirrors... Virtual Bullshit. I say virtual because the real stuff actually breaks down into a medium that one can grow plants in.

    The Botchtower has nothing tangible to offer anyone.

  • moshe

    When you become a member of Jehovah's Witnesses you are getting a very unique product- one which no other religion is selling. You get the hope of living forever on a paradise earth- with a perfect body and in perfect health! If you like the idea of floating on clouds in heaven, then being a JW isn't for you- try the regular Christianity. If you like the idea of not dying and going straight to heaven in a instant- poof!- then I'll bet you liked Harold Campings religion. Well, up until May 22nd of this year.

    JWs just don't bother to investigate, if the promised reward of living on a paradise earth- and the resurrection of all the dead back to human form- with all past memories intact- using different atoms (will they still have the same physical birth defect? why not?) is even possible. They don't care- they have this notion they will be able to cheat death and live in that mansion on the ritzy side of town, after Jehovah vaporizes the non-JW owners. They just have to sit through some boring meetings and ring some doorbells for a few hours each month- and for the tightwad JW, thery can be a member of the KH and never donate one cent for the KH upkeep or to the WT Corp for magazines or the worldwide work.- and they save lots of money of holiday Xmas shopping, too.

  • truth_b_known

    The product used to be the literature and it still is. Some of us may remember when we actually purchased magazines and books to place in the ministry. I think I was in high school when we stopped that arrangement and went to the voluntary donation scam.

    First, the donations to the World Wide Work were to be used to pay for the Bethel homes/factories and travelling brothers (i.e. agents of the evil empire aka Circuit/District Overseers). So, we were paying for the property, equipment, materials and personnel required to print the literature. Then we paid for the literature. If we placed the literature with a person we were to ask them for a voluntary donation as well.

    Cost to manufacture 1 set of magazines = $1.00 (for the sake of this argument)

    You donate $1.00 for each set you pick up at the magazine counter.

    You donate $1.00 to the World Wide Work to help support the ministry (which includes the printing of that set of magazines).

    The householder you place that set of magazines with donates $1.00, as well.

    So, in theory, the evil empire is potentially raking in 200% in profits and never had to front any money. Oh, by the way, 100% of those profits are tax exempt because it is a religious organization.

    All the "simplification" we have seen in the past 2 decades has allegedly been done to lessen the burden on the brothers. I envoke the ancient Roman rite of Taurus Feces on that one. Once the whole voluntary donation thing kicked in profits went down. So, this "simplification" is just corporate downsizing.

    Remember this folks; work hard and make lots of money. Thousands of welfare recipiant(Bethelites, COs, DOs) are depending on you.

  • Ténébreux

    I'd say they're satisfying a desire that people have to feel superior. Even at the lowest rung in the JW social ladder, you can take comfort that you're a step above everyone else in the world.

  • Terry

    People who think they are smart, but, who aren't deep enough to discover they are not smart fall prey to

    "inside" information scams that put them in the know.

    Being a JW is "insider trading" to make a killing when the market crashes.

    Having invested everything of value in the coming crash they are not left with a rooting interest for humanity to prosper.

    This makes them souless vultures.

    This is where the SUNK COST FALLACY kicks in.

    They've invested so much in a losing venture they illogically "reason" they Can't Quit Now.

    All or Nothing!

    This is what distinguishes successful gamblers from Losers who end up on the skids: successful gamblers no when NOT to put their money in and when to fold 'em.

    JW's don't know how to fold 'em.

  • N.drew

    Terry I like your perspective. You are one of the posters who I click because I like the poster's opinions, not for the subject said sometimes.

    I want to warn you about the spelling police. They got me a few times! no=know. Haha

    So then I go upstairs (that's the answer to the riddle-I have an advantage over some people who sit in front of the computer a lot- I got twelve stairs-up an down up and down all day when I'm home- hey like satan...am I in trouble?)

    So I went up stairs and thought OMG maybe Terry is a spy and no is code for something. And now he has to fix it or look stupid. Hahaha

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