"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12

by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinamovement

    This is disgusting. I read it this way.

    "Selma realized that she had the wrong attitude towards the way her husband treated her. She understood that Steve hit her because she was unwisely trying to make a point. Coming to grips with her error and adjusting her attitude brought peace to the family. Eventually, Steve got to the point where he would only hit her when she disrespected his God appointed headship. Instead feeling sorry for herself and focusing on her bruises and pains, Selma resolved to focus on Steve's good traits, such as providing well for the family, and taking care of home maintenance. Truly, these husbands can be "won without a word" if the wife applies bible principles."

  • poopsiecakes

    What Cofty said...or how about the 'good sister' making an effort to help get this poor woman out of the abusive situation? 17 years? Really? arrrggghhhh

  • Mary

    Oh give me a f**king break..........OK, here's an idea: How about I go down to Crooklyn and beat the hell out of one of the Slobbering Body members. A black eye, a broken jaw, a busted nose.....or maybe I'll just kick his balls through the roof of his mouth.......Let's see how long he'll put up with it for before screaming for help and having me arrested for Assault.

    We should scan this page and forward it to as many Women's Rights groups as possible. Something tells me they wouldn't take too kindly that millions of women in one group are being told that they should stay with an abusive husband because he might convert one day.

    I shouldn't have read that.....now I'm pissed off.

  • Lore

    The night before, Steve had hit me as I had tried to prove a point, and I was feeling sad and sorry for myself.

    . . .

    Realizing that I needed to adjust my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah to help me be more loving toward Steve.

    That's right woman, it's YOUR fault. He shouldn't have to repeat himself.

    He's your head.

    Which means you're his body.

    He's supposed to pummel his body.

    So take it like god says!

  • agonus

    Effing Christ.

    But here's the stinger: "...after 17 years, Steve accepted the truth".

    Goes hand-in-hand with the Kool-Aid Edition article about your husband accepting "The Truth", not because you actually have the truth, but for no other reason than that you simply can't admit you're wrong and aren't open to the possibility that you might be brainwashed.

    If this is Christianity, then Christianity is a cult.

    Which it isn't.

    They can go to hell.

  • serenitynow!

    Too bad I wasn't studying with Selma. I'd have told her to make Steve's ass some hot grits & molasses for dinner. Boom. Problem solved.

  • Nice_Dream

    It also disturbs me the way the sister "spoke softly" to Selma. Subtly demonstrating how Christian sisters shouldn't raise their voices to make their points and be submissive. What a horrible article!

  • poopsiecakes

    We should scan this page and forward it to as many Women's Rights groups as possible. Something tells me they wouldn't take too kindly that millions of women in one group are being told that they should stay with an abusive husband because he might convert one day.


  • zulukai

    The JW religion is an "old boys club". Most religions are. Submission of women has been a mandate of nearly all religions since the dawn time. The WTBTS has made this caveman edict a major sacrament featuring it in countless

    articles, conventions and platform talks. Mysogeny is a favoutite pastime of the cult. When a sister is constantly dumbed down into a cowering servant stance it's easy for their husbands to get away with any outrage. Studies of

    abusive men show that this behavior does NOT change with conversion to religion. They have a screw loose, some are pyschotics who need to be locked up.

    Men who beat, browbeat and denigrate their wives do so with impunity in the JW cult. I know because I was one of those women. Going to the elders was a major eye opener for me. And, in a bizzare turnabout, I later learned that

    the elder I spoke with was himself fond of bashing his wife around. So fond in fact that his wife was well known to the hospital I worked at! How her many trips to the ER failed to prompt a major red flag in my former congregation

    was a mystery to me. And this was the man I turned to in desperation for help!

    Just shows what cretins the Society promotes to positions of power

  • Lore
    I read the dumbed down version

    So do I, but I haven't tried the 'simplified english' version yet.

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