"You have instant friends wherever you go"

by AwSnap 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    Remember hearing that at the meetings? I find it ironic that the same can be said for ex-jw's. Wish they'd say THAT at the meetings!

    I have made instant friends from this board, and have met and liked most (but not SixofNine....hehehe. Just kidding Six!) . Then on FB, an ex-jw friend asked me to become friends with a newly 'out' jw, to which I responded OF COURSE! Now she and I are beginning a new friendship.

    It's nice that jw's aren't the only ones who can be instant friends with their own kind.

  • freshstart

    I do remember....unfortunately it wasn't always true. You have to be part of their club sometimes, and if you're not, no friends for you!

  • leavingwt

    The 'worldwide brotherhood' is indeed unique and this would make a good topic for a research paper. One could indeed parachute into almost any country and received food and shelter from virtual strangers.

  • Dagney

    So true snap! Just a few weeks ago 5 of us exJW's met in Vegas for a few days. I originally thought, we'd see each other once or twice but mostly do our own thing because there is so much to do Vegas. Instead, we ended up wanting to spend most of our time together. I was thinking to myself, how great it was even though some I didn't know well, we were instant friends linked ESPECIALLY by what we've all gone through. We sort of grew up the same way even though it was in different places in the world, we left JW, and now we have the freedom to all the bits we couldn't do as JW's. It's totally win win.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I think that would be more true for XJW's than for JW's.

  • dgp

    Just for the sake of polite debate. I am familiar with the fact that, as a witness, you get "instant friends" the minute they know you are a witness. The witness I met sometimes benefitted from that fact. So did others who stayed at her home.

    Now, I would contrast that with the "instant pariahs" that you also make as a witness. Yes, you win some instant friends, but, why do you also have to keep everyone else at arm's length?

    And I would need to mention that, in times gone by, in the country of some of my forebears, it was customary to give food and shelter to any traveller who happened to arrive by your home at night. It was just the way it was. Rural good manners demanded it so. It's true that, these days, most rural people wouldn't even think of doing that anymore, partly because of the dangers that modern life has brought with it, partly because they just don't share as much as they used to. But to people of that time and age, there was nothing surprising or special in giving food and shelter to perfect strangers.

    People of richer countries tend to share less than people of poorer countries, and there is nothing Watchtower about that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    "You have instant friends wherever you go"

    Especially true if you have money.


  • Qcmbr

    I do miss this.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    to clickie here in Los Angeles. I remember going to one cong in an affluent area and unless I had a mercedez, u didn't exist

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    "You have instant friends wherever you go"

    I know, that's the problem.


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