Yet another visit from JW's at our door, demanding to speak to only my husband and claiming to be friends of "his family". It has reached the point that I contacted the sherriff's department and was informed to sent a certified letter to the local Kingdom Hall.
DH hasn't been a "witness" since his teen years. I had a falling out with the in-laws (avid JW's) over them hitting our daughter while we were on vacation visiting them. DH didn't speak up about it, instead let his parents take over and has since pretended the incident never happened. They have made life miserable for me ever since and have ruined what used to be a fantastic relationship. Now my DH uses me like garbage, claims I am "abusive" to him and his parents, and makes out like they are saints.
DH refuses to see my side of this and claims I am a hateful person who can't stand his family and wish his parents were dead. Yes, he did actually say this:( I lost my own father when I was a teen due to a heart attack and he randomly threw in to his fight how I hated him too (?)...making me out to be some evil, hating person... I did not enter our marriage hoping I'd have in-laws who hate me, but here I sit. I have printed off screen grabs of his mother bad mouthing me to his family on Facebook, have a letter from her that blames our 2 yr old for deserving to get reprimanded while we visited them on vacation three years ago, and then, of course, the visits from the JW's trying to lure my DH back to please his mother. He's claiming she is not behind these visits, but I know she is. At this point, I am feeling that my spirit is badly broken. I have suggested marriage counseling but he is refusing, claiming that I am the one and only problem. I'm definitely seeing a lot of narcissistic behavior. So many hateful things said to me last night and claiming I am the reason for all his problems. I feel his parents have finally turned him on me. Trying to figure out how to get myself out of this mess. Oh, and threatened me that his father will take me to court and get our kids...then acts like his parents are saints. They have underminded me for months through emails, texting my DH. They have never shown much interest in our children, until I stood up to them about hitting our daughter.
Sorry about ranting...just needed a place to vent.