Seriously fired up over this one.
Feb 15, 2011 Watchtower page 29 paragraph 12
"Selma recalls a lesson she learned from the Witness who studied with her. "On one particular day," says Selma, "I didn't want to have a bible study. The night before, Steve had hit me as I had tried to prove a point, and I was feeling sad and sorry for myself. After i told the sister what had happened and how I felt, she asked me to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. As I did, I began to reason, 'Steven never does any of these loving things for me.' But the sister made me think differently by asking, 'How many of those acts of love do you show toward your husband?' My answer was, None, for he is so difficult to live with. The sister softly said, 'Selma, who is trying to be a Christian here? You or Steve?' Realizing that I needed to adjust my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah to help me be more loving toward Steve. Slowly, things started to change. After 17 years, Steve accepted the truth."