Anyone fron downunder know what happend to CO/DO Joe Seighman?

by karter 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter

    He joined our side.

    Does anyone have any connect or hear from him?

  • finallysomepride


    sorry no, name doesn't ring a bell, he must have around when i was totally uninterested but still attending LOL


  • karter


  • WinstonSmith

    Woah, now there is a blast from the past!

    Joe was a CO or maybe DO when I was young. Late eighties, early nineties maybe? Lovely brother, and well liked. I remember hearing years later during one of those 'I wonder what happened to X' conversations that he had 'gone apostate'. Can't offer any more than that sorry.

    A more recent defection is Doug Black. Not sure if he became apostate in the common sense of the word, but the rumour was that he got involved in extra-marital shenanigans, got disfellowshipped and was working toward becoming a police lawyer. Great guy, he was sorely missed by us young bros when he went.

  • karter

    Winston smith.

    Joe Was a real nice guy and joined our side a few years back last i jeard he was liveing in Sydney.

    Do you remember Hans hubler???

  • WinstonSmith

    Hello Karter,

    Small world eh, especially the JW world! Joe is probably the furtherest back my memory goes, although I do remember a bald guy who used to make lots of jokes, and would make us sing two songs at the end of the assembly. I can never remember his name, does that sound like Hubler? The only other names from back then I can remember on the circuit work are the Ridlings and the Kramers.

    Are you from NZ / Aussie?

  • karter

    Winston Smith.

    The bald guy who made us sing 2 songs....i can't remember his name he took over from Hans Hubler.....nice guy.

    The Ridlings ..Geff passed away about a year ago i'm good freinds with his son (Not a JW anymore) and went out with his daughter a few times many years ago.

    Not sure were the Kramers are now.

    I'm in Auckland NZ

  • maisha

    hey carter , did they sell the branch in ACK yet?.

  • FadeToGrey

    I remember him. Was a nice CO. We had him as CO in the early 80`s. Loved his manner and was always good to me. I was in my late teens then.

    I remember someone telling the story of him living in. Flat on the side o. KH which had a good library and he would read a lot of the old books and mag`s

    He came to see it was all. Lie and left.

    That's all I know.

    I am from Melbourne and know a lot of the names around he northern part of Melb.

    We got out in bout 2009. Was in for bout 25 years. Give or take!

  • jwfacts

    Hans Hubler conducted my pioneer school, along with Ted Bromich. Hans told someone he liked pavlova, so every day for the entire week people bought pavlova for lunch. I think he only ate it on the first couple of days before he got sick of it.

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