The New Elder School, appears to be a major flop and a waste of time for the Society, the more I research it. It appears much of the information the Elders learned, went in one ear out the other, a failure to implent it. If you attended this school, have you notice these newly "fired up and full of zeal brothers eager to help?." applying these new concepts at their local Kingdom Halls. I hear much was talked about "LOVE, Shepherding and Teaching Better." and it has fizzled out, right out of the gates! Any comments?
The New Elder School, Did It Really Help Teach You Something Helpful?
by AvocadoJake 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
How has it fizzled out! you mean no elder is showing more love, don't understand what you mean?
The elder school is designed to make sure the elders are carefully following the WTS administrative make sure their loyalty is to the GB/WTS not the congregation. Without knowing what slippage there is or has been between the BOEs and headquarters (probably only elders, COs and DOs know that), it would be hard to see any change.
Well,one elder in the congregation attended the Elder School at Bethel,making him more hardcore then ever. Many people went to other congregations,because of how strict the elder body has become.
They actually time the comments for the Bible highlights to make sure no one's comment is over 30 seconds. They gave a local needs talk on it.
The servants and elders no longer watch football,unless they want to lose their position.
So,no,they have not become more loving,just more company men,enforcing pharisaic rules!
I've gotta stop watching it?
well they should have pray'd for the strike!
Blondie is Right On. Elder school is about the rules and regulations and organizational procedure. It's about all the things that have to be written in the margins of the elders' book because the Legal Dept doesn't want them in "print".
Second, it's to make elders feel important.....special. They come home feeling special and smart (theocratic educational program).
Just like the limited attendance to the Branch Meeting. NO SPEAKERS at any of the Assembly Halls throughout the country where people with the Special Ticket attended. Just "listening in" on the meeting in New York. But those who got a ticket are allowed to feel "special" (plus it was an excuse for another meeting at the Assembly Halls where everyone with the Special Ticket could make a Special Contribution).
breakfast of champions
I have noticed no change after the "new" elders school, although our elders are quite "liberal."
All I remember frm elders school was driving home In a minivan full of elders, exhausted and depressed realizing there was no way I could possibly ever do all that was expected from the society. The PO at the time was an old timer who had "seen it all" and was really quite comforting. He just said do the best you can and don't worry about it.
That was NOT the message we heard from the stage.
My last elder's school was in the mid 1990s. So boring. It was all about compliance.
Sitting in a large auditorium with a lot of overweight old men is not my definition of fun.
average joe
Well, Is their anyone here who can share the notes these notes that are not allowed to be printed?
No Room For George
Well, Is their anyone here who can share the notes these notes that are not allowed to be printed?
There's another one on the way, the big weeklong one scheduled for like early 2013 or late 2012. Most COBOEs formerly known as POs, have already attended the week long school. The next couple years, they plan to have all elders attend the week long school.