What is all the buzz about Steven Hasaan?

by AvocadoJake 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    A born-in does have a major problem learning how to be a normal person outside of the KH, but not insurmountable for a teenager to 25 year old - it's a different story for the 40 year old born-in- they might even run back into the burning barn, rather than work on building a new life in the world.

  • designs

    One thing I made sure my children did while in School was to be part of School Sports, for my son Baseball and for my daughter Competitive Swimming plus both were in the Drama Club. Both had great experiences and learned how to do normal things with other teens in a group setting. But boy did we take flak for it from the KH.

  • blondie
  • Violia

    Yes therapy works, it saved my life. Who on earth told you psychiatry and therapy did not work?

    Insurance companies don't like paying for anything.

    I've got Hassan's book and there are a lot of other books out there regarding cults and spiritual abuse.

  • cyberjesus

    www.google.com is not that hard.

  • leavingwt

    The Hassan interview begins at 1 hour 13 minutes of this recording. This is a recent interview, November 2011.


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