...by a family member who recalled that this is one of my major apostate beefs. The articles themselves are disgusting pieces of mis-information and require some serious mental gymnastics to actually believe. However, they're so damn long-winded and waste so much time on pointless stuff like the 2 pages on the JW's beliefs about the 70 year period, that I am debating on whether or not to write the loyal J-Dub family member back on it or not.
It shows just how brainwashed that family member is in that they know that 607 is a problem date, yet happily forward the articles as soem sort of proof while never once reading anything on the topic with an iota of thinking.
After years of having everything I've said on these topics ignored by everyone in my family that I've tried contacting over and over again, I really feel like taking the time to pick through their trash is going to be a big waste. That being said, it doesn't sit well with me to have any JW mail me something as a "gotcha" without getting an honest response on the matter.
If I do write back, anyone have a good, easy to read/understand debunking of this trash?