so sorry to hear this
Buried my 17 yr old nephew yesterday....hug ur kids!!
by crazyblondeb 37 Replies latest jw friends
This is so sad, Shelly. My heart is breaking for this young man I did not know. I have big place in my heart for the skate kids. Julian is an avid skateboarder.
I found this: this is so heartbreaking.
James Hickem’s family awaits answers about death
By Rudi Keller and Catherine Martin
Columbia Daily Tribune
The relatives of a teenager found dead at Boone Quarries want answers about events leading up to the fatality, and they want law enforcement agencies other than the Columbia Police Department to provide them.
There are several puzzling issues surrounding the death of James Hickem, 17, said Jeffrey Green, Hickem’s uncle. The family is concerned about police actions after Hickem fled from officers Friday afternoon during an investigation of teen drinking at Cosmo Skate Park, he said.
Green said he has asked the FBI to investigate and wants Columbia police to turn over the local investigation to the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Workers at the quarry at 301 Creasy Springs Road found Hickem’s body Tuesday afternoon. He ran from police Friday as they were attempting to search him at nearby Cosmo Skate Park. Hickem had admitted liquor found with a group of teenagers belonged to him.
Columbia police Sgt. Jill Schlude said the department cannot talk about the case because the investigation is under way.
“I believe we owe it to his family to speak factually about the circumstances as soon as we can, which is exactly what we intend to do,” Schlude said. The earliest the police expect to be able to discuss the case is next week, she said.
A visitation for Hickem begins at 6 p.m. today at Grace Bible Church, 601 Blue Ridge Road. His funeral will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the church.
An autopsy was conducted Wednesday. Investigator Dori Burke of the Boone County Medical Examiner’s Office said this morning she could not comment on the cause or manner of death. Schlude also declined to release information about the preliminary findings of the autopsy. Full results will not be available for two to three weeks, she said.
Hickem suffered a severe compound fracture to his left leg, Green said after looking at his body at Nilson Funeral Home. But the family has not been told officially, either by police or the medical examiner’s office, what injuries he suffered that might have been fatal, he said.
Police did not follow their previous pattern seen when Hickem had previously been in trouble, his uncle said. He was “in juvenile detention twice for long periods of time,” Green said, once for fighting and once for shoplifting. When police were looking for him in the past, they visited his mother’s home and also picked him up at Hickman High School, where he was a junior, he said.
Hickem’s fellow skaters organized a memorial for him Wednesday at the skate park. About 200 people came, many bringing candles and pictures.
“He was always smiling. He just wanted to have fun and skateboard,” friend James Fisher, 20, said.
Hickman also held an impromptu memorial service Wednesday, Principal Tracey Conrad said. “He was a very personable young man and well-liked by many,” she said of Hickem.
Several of the teen’s friends created Facebook pages where they talked about their memories.
Kim Lake, who created one of the pages, said she had known Hickem for about a year and spent many days with him this summer at the Albert-Oakland Park pool.
“A tattoo across his chest said, ‘Only God Can Judge Me,’ and I feel like that is how James lived his life daily,” she said. “He loved people and was never quick to judge someone.”
Hi Shelley. I am sorry to hear about your nephew. It sounds like he was liked by a lot of people, and that he will be missed by many. I hope that they are able to find out the causes soon, and I also hope that foul play is not involved with the police or others. I am sending positive energy your way.
Oh my very young.
I am so sorry. Wishing you and your family comfort.
Hi Shelly, perfectly said "
Any fights, squabbles..arent important!"
Life is too short sister! I am very sorry to hear about this, and hope you can feel our kind thoughts coming your way.
Shelly- My wife and I are so sorry for the loss of your dear nephew. My god. I'm so sorry. Our hearts go out to you dear one. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Flipper
Thanks for ur was something that should not have happened!!
I am so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Julian's friends look so much like your James. Hitch your board to a star, James. Nothing you did ever made you deserve to end up in that quarry.