This is straight from Touchstone Forum:
"Why are we Jehovah's Witnesses?"
Let me approach the ‘big picture’ from this angle.
Jehovah’s Witnesses know that the Christian organization that they are affiliated with has made errors in the past. Some of what has been in error could be attributed to a simple progression of understanding, or as we would put it: “The light getting brighter”.
On the other hand, some of it can be attributed to nothing more than error. Mistakes that needed correction. These kind of adjustments can not be attributed to just ‘new light’, these could be mistaken views where it may be difficult to determine the scriptural indication.
Whatever, the case, we know that wrong viewpoints have existed. We may even entertain doubts currently about this or that view held by the organization. We ar aware that even organizationally, errors can be made.
No one in their right mind would look upon these unfortunate events as something well and good. In fact, if that was ALL there was to look at in regard to Jehovah’s Witnesses, we would have all walked away a long time ago and the ‘organization’ would have dried up.
However, that is not all there is to look at in relation to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Whereas anyone can look back and see the flaws of the organization of imperfect men, they also see the TRUTHS that this same organization has brought to light.
You see:
1. We are convinced scripturally that God has and is using an ‘organized’ people.
2. We are convinced scripturally that the Trinity doctrine is in error.
3. We are convinced scripturally that the eternal troment doctrine is in error.
4. We are convinced scripturally that neutrality in the politics of this world is a must.
5. We are convinced that warfare between nations should not be participated in by Christians
6. We are convinced scripturally that there will be a paradisaic earth.
7. We are convinced that God’s plan of salvation includes a thousand year reign where both the righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected. Anyone who did not have proper opportunity to accept Christ will be given that opportunity then.
8. We are convinced scripturally that pagan celebrations should be avoided.
9. We are convinced scripturally that ‘morality’ is a must for Christians.
10. We are convinced scripturally and scientifically that evolution is false.
11. We are convinced scripturally that abortion is murder.
12. We are convinced scripturally that the miraculous gifts of the spirit have passed away.
13. We are convinced scripturally that drug abuse is wrong (including tobacco).
14. We are convinced scripturally that God’s name is Jehovah (YHWH) and should be made known and used in our worship.
15. We are convinced scripturally that it is wrong for Christians to become involved in the politics of this world.
16. We are convinced scripturally that we are living in the last days of this wicked system.
17. We are convinced scripturally that Satan is a real being who has challenged God’s sovereignty and the issue is currently being settled.
18. We are convinced scripturally that homosexuality and sex outside of marriage is wrong.
19. We believe scripturally that for unrepentant practicers of sin, disfellowshipping is in order.
I suppose there are some other things I could add to the list but I think these will demonstrate the point. Despite the errors and corrections and any unfortunate results thereof, there is not another religious organization on earth that holds these things to be true that we are convinced of.
We look at the ‘churches’ today who claim to represent God and we see nothing but error upon error. The churches are permeated with false teachings and inconsistencies and not just in the past, but currently. They support warfare and the shedding of innocent blood. They killed their ‘religious brothers’ who were on the ‘wrong’ side of the battlelines. And if the nations once again become involved in warfare, you can rest assured that “Christians” will once again pick up the guns and join in the bloodshed.
So many of these ones who claim to be “Christian” at the same time believe in evolution, abortion, homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, celebrating pagan holidays, Trinity, hellfire, speaking in tongues, and the list goes on and on of things we are convinced from the Bible are not for true Christians.
Because of that, we look back at the Christian organization known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, and yes, we see the error and the problems that have come about from the inevitable influence of imperfect men., but we know, in order for them to possess such powerful truths from the scriptures in comparison to the unclear, contradictory, unorganized churches of the world today, God MUST be with them. This recognition causes us to rethink the existence of the error, not as an indication that we should reject the only Christian organization that possesses the TRUTH in so many ways, but regard the error as what it is, the consequence of frail, imperfect humans who sometimes let their own thoughts get in the way of the direction of God’s spirit, much in the same way that Moses, David, Nathan, Peter and the Apostles did themselves.
Maybe this recognition of what the rank and file Jehovah’s Witness feels will help this discussion board focus on the real issues to Jehovah’s Witnesses. Not the past errors or corrections and whatever unfortunate consequences that may have arose because of them, but in the final analysis, Scriptural teaching. What is the TRUTH according to the Bible? For these TRUTHS are the reasons Jehovah’s Witnesses ARE Jehovah’s Witnesses."
Well, the points he makes are conveniently numbered. I don't care about the trinity one way or the other, but I think that some of these points need challenging.
Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque