Manklleli says he has a PhD., in what making illogical delusional fallacies, posthumously created by a corrupt religious publishing house (WTS.) ?
This person has no credibility what so ever, he's been caught in a string of lies, instigated to support his faith ( the JWS ) as well
toward himself.
The answer to the original question is the WTS. hands out the explanation of the bible for the public to consume.
They have been falsely and exploitively created to attract attention to the WTS. published works but that was always the core intension
of this publishing house. It is for this reason that the devout JWS today and in the past have a corrupt false explanation of the bible, one
which was focused and deliberately designed for commercial public appeal.
So, the point of castigating the org. carries no solid weight.
Really ? So Hitler's Third Right with the hundreds of millions who devoutly fell into this same conjoined organizational caucus was solely legitimate.
You sound glib and self righteously arrogant that there others including yourself making 7 million of you JWS as a organization.
Really quite a small insignificant number on the world stage.
Thats 7 million people that unfortunately fell into the hands of a genuinely corrupt, disingenuous but alluring religious publishing house.
A cult made by men for men for the pupose of self empowermnet and control, by used cunning tactics of coiecion and fear.
Subjecting liars such as yourself Mankkeli.
Your just 1 of the 7 million Mankkeli which makes you even more insignificant.
Perhaps you've have had accumulating thoughts one day of grabbing some of that available power in this organization and the apostates
here and everywhere are spoiling things for you by revealing the corruptive and damaging nature of this organization.
The age of information really is a bitch isn't it Mankkeli ?