JW Pedophile sentenced in my courtroom today....

by diana netherton 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    65 year old self-professed JW man sentenced to 20-40 years state for abusing a young neighbor boy

    over a course of THREE years. He actually read scriptures to the boy after each abuse session, which

    averaged 3-5 times a week...here's the kicker. When it came time for him to talk to the judge, his last words

    were...."I'm not a monster. I'm not a monster."

    My heart goes out to the parents who were crying their eyes out in the back. Parents who trusted this

    man implicitly. Now their son is horrifically messed up. I see this all the time in my line of work, but this

    sentencing will imprint in my mind indefinitely. Not only because he's a JW, but because of the emotion the

    parents exhibited.

    Sad...so sad....

  • james_woods

    20 to 40 years seems like a good fair sentence - as if it is really 20 before possibility of parole, it is probably LIFE for this guy in reality.

    It just starts me wondering again how much time Coach Sandusky is going to get for the Penn State multiple molestations?

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Sanduskly will be put away for life. He will probably get consecutive sentences for each, one after the other, for a total

    of at least 100..but there may be more victims coming forward.

  • james_woods
    Sanduskly will be put away for life. He will probably get consecutive sentences for each, one after the other, for a total
    of at least 100..but there may be more victims coming forward.

    Agreed - he is as guilty as sin, and will not be able to sidestep it the way Michael Jackson did. I just hope that all the publicity will not stretch this out for years before a sentence is reached. I would guess there are literally dozens of victims we will never hear about.

  • fade_away

    Good. Hope he gets raped in jail and rots.

  • mouthy

    So sad!!! After listening to Mark Palo on six screens
    about the raping done by Greenlees...

    I do hope the young boy gets help..It messed Mark up
    big time

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I believe those at Penn State who were warned and did nothing should share his cell. The asst. who actually witnessed the rape --- and did not stop it.

  • Balaamsass


    How was it discovered? Do you think there are more victims? Was he a servant?

  • flipper

    The law and police need to catch more of these criminals and child molesters . Thanks for posting the story. Bump to the top

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Balaa...I think he was a ministerial servant. He had a disabled wife who actually walked in on the

    abuse a few years before it came to light and she told him that he should confess. Well, he didn't.

    It only came out when this boy was in 11th grade and his behavior was so bad that he was on heavy

    medication. He was violent, moody and diagnosed as bipolar. However, now that it's out, he's off medications

    and is hoping to join the service. I hope that he makes it. I called my mom and asked if she knew him. She said

    the same sounded familiar. I told her what happened and she was like, oh, he's out now! I said, no, that, in fact, JW

    relatives were in from out of town in SUPPORT of him. I told my mother that that is unforgivable in my opinion. They

    were all saying how people make mistakes, etc. However, this wasn't ONE mistake. This was a course of conduct

    perpetrated on a young victim three to five times a week over the course of three years...makes me wonder how

    many other victims are out there.

    My judge said, "I don't know if you've done this before," to which he shook his head no, that he didn't,"but at

    least I can ensure that this never happens again." I don't believe it. I think there are MANY victims out there and his

    local KH should start looking there.

    One more reason I would never set foot in a KH again!

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