Today Is The 48th Anniversary Of The Tragic Assassination Of US President Kennedy

by Bangalore 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    I could take you to the exact spot where I was sitting in the bleachers at the Chinook Jr. High gym. We were just nearing the end of an assembly (I was in 7th grade) when the principal made the announcement.

  • designs

    The whole week seemed surreal from the assination to having a new president, little John saluting his Dad's casket, a brave widow, Walter Cronkite doing a masterful job and only cracking under the pressure a few times. Everything stopped, it was a defining moment. I think now being free from a religion that put us outside of this world we can now appreciate more what is happening all around us now and make choices on how to get involved and live.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Amen to civic responsibility. It is very sad about Johnson and Viet Nam. I protested against him. "hey, hey, lbj, how many boys have you killed tonight" and the immortal, "one is right. one side is wrong. we're on the side of the Viet Cong." Johnson's domestic policies were awesome. He transformed the country. When I think of an effective leader, I think of LBJ. He trusted his instincts on domestic policy. He deferred to Kennedy's best and brightest, thought too much of Harvard, etc.

    It had to be very hard for him. People thinking he ordered the assasination, not being photogenic, lady bird no jackie. The Kennedys and he detested each other.

    So very long ago! Reading a lot of Kennedy bios, I believe he would have become president in any event. I repeatedly read that law enforcement officers were going to out his orgies, East German spies, and drug use. He certainly was handsome. I was surprised seeing Obama up close how much better he looks in person.

  • Mary

    I wasn't born yet when he was killed, but I remembered that this was the anniversary. Amazingly, none of my co-workers knew...........

  • flipper

    As Oliver Stone's movie JFK indicated as well as other commentaries I've heard on it- our country experienced a coup d ' etat or a takeover by way of assassination of JFK by Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. The Hoover FBI 's secretive manner in which they tried to conceal evidence of Kennedy's autopsy, how many bullets were found in him, and how Lee Harvey Oswald was used as a " fall guy " in order for the assassination to be pulled off wasastounding as well as horrific. The attorney Jim Garrison was able to prove that Kennedy was shot by at least 3 different rifles from 3 different angles . If you watch the Zapruder film of JFK's assassination it's obvious his body jerked forward and then backwards, sideways after being hit again. Then the film shows a secret agent government guy intentionally slowing down the car as it rounded the corner - yet another agent raising his hands up in the air wondering what was going on right before the bullets flew.

    JFK was the last president who wanted to do away with the federal reserve and tried to get rid of the mafia . The military establishment was nOT going to let him pull troops out of Vietnam as he desired. 2 to 3 weeks BEFORE Kennedy was assassinated , his vice=president Lyndon Johnson secretly ordered an INCREASE in troops in Vietnam without JFK's knowledge. I think Johnson & Hoover were bastards who got away with murdering our president and taking over our country and yet convinced the American public that the murderer was just one man- Lee Harvey Oswald. Even HIM getting murdered being transported to jail by Jack Ruby had significant implications. By the time Jim Garrison had collected enough evidence indicating that high ranking government officials were to blame for JFK's murder - many of the eyewitnesses he wanted to testify had been murdered themselves. It's very sad that the military establishment, the banks, and huge corporates rule our country now - and it might have been very different if JFK and his brother Robert weren't assassinated. So goes history. It sucks. Rest in peace JFK , you were truly a champion for the people

  • designs


    A coup d' etat is right, so many issues- CUBA and the Bay of Pigs, Viet Nam, a Nuclear War with Russia. We had no idea of the power of the Military, FBI and CIA, Dulles brothers. Texas Gov. Connelly shouting from the front seat of the president's Limo 'my God they're going to kill us all'.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Well, one can never discuss JFK without conspiracy theories. I don't believe them. On the other hand, Earl Warren was furious with LBJ for appointing him b/c the commission ruined his name. I thought he was a white knight. Later, I found out all about Cuban assassination attempts. His affairs with German spies. East German ones. I wonder how he would have fared if he lived. He was living too near the brink.

  • smiddy

    I remember this well,I was in a local shop doing some shopping early in the morning sat/day ? aust. time ? when it was announced over the radio,I was stunned,we were relatively new in the "truth" then and I thought this could lead to armageddon


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


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