"You're Stumbling Me"

by Ding 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    The WTS sometimes turns the "stumbling" concept into a manipulative weapon.

    The Biblical concept of "stumbling" is that if you know someone else has a weakness you shouldn't do something that will cause him to cave in to that weakness. For example, if you have a friend who is trying to fight alcohol addiction you shouldn't invite him to go somewhere where everyone else will be imbibing.

    I think it's perfectly legitimate for a friend to tell you that he has a drinking problem and that he'd really appreciate it if you would refrain from serving alcohol while he's over. But I think it crosses a line if the friend tries to manipulate you into swearing off alcohol altogether because the mere thought of you drinking booze will stumble him.

    But some JWs try to get others to refrain from doing things "so you don't stumble me." This can be used to try to stop JWs from questioning anything the organization teaches or does or engaging in any behavior that will upset them. Essentially what such people are saying is, "My faith is so weak that if it will be your fault if I falter." Yet such people often see themselves as the strong ones. They think they are keeping you from error.

    Following the WTS' example, such people are trying to keep others in line through guilt trips.

  • Iamallcool


  • 00DAD

    Every once in a while I would have some brother try to guilt me up and manipulate me with that "I'm stumbled" bs. The first couple of times I fell for it. But then I wised up.

    I would respond, "Really? How can that be?" Then quote ...

    Psalm 119:165 - Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, And for them there is no stumbling block.

    "So if I'm stumbling you brother, then you must not be loving Jehovah's laws enough. Perhaps you need to do more Bible Reading and prayer. BTW, I noticed you've been missing the meetings a lot too ... "

    It's a little verbal jujitsu. Turns that crap around on them before they knew what hit 'em. Always stopped them dead in their tracks.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Good thread. I think this plays a role into why some congregations lack genuine love. It's bad enough you've got to see these people several times throughout the week putting up with all of their idiosyncrasies, imperfections, and personality traits, and that's not to say any of us are perfect. Being an active dub is essentially familiarity breeding contempt in the name of Jehovah while masquerading as Christianity. If that's not bad enough, these same people you're forced to associate with, will force their will upon you by using the, "stumbling card." I'm thinking, "it's bad enough I've got to deal with you people, but you want more you little beggar you!!!!!"

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think it's perfectly legitimate for a friend to tell you that he has a drinking problem and that he'd really appreciate it if you would refrain from serving alcohol while he's over. But I think it crosses a line if the friend tries to manipulate you into swearing off alcohol altogether because the mere thought of you drinking booze will stumble him.

    My reaction to someone who tried to convince everyone else to comply with their opinionm, such as that social functions should have NO drinking so as not to stumble "new ones" was that THEY WERE STUMBLING others by "making an addition.....to the scrolls" or "adding to [God's] words" (Rev. 22:18; Prov. 30:6). After all, those new ones have to eventually learn to live by God's standards, not pick and choose.


  • 00DAD

    So how many of us here are/were "stumbled" by the GB when we learned The Truth About "The Truth"?

    Jesus said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come! It would be of more advantage to him if a millstone were suspended from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones." - Luke 17:1, 2

  • wobble

    None of us, the biblical metaphor is being stumbled on the road to life, if you were ever in any way associated with the GB and JW's, you were not on the road to life !

    Good point though 00Dad. The funny thing about these ones who were so easily offended was, they were often the ones giving the most offense in many ways,a wise old guy once said to me "they cannot expect perfection from you if they are not perfect themselves"

  • 00DAD

    wobble: With all due respect, I believe I was on the road to life when I was sidetracked and then later stumbled by the GB and their publishing arm, the WTBTS.

    Now that I've picked myself up and dusted myself off, I'm trying to find if there even IS a road to life ... sometimes I just feel so lost ...

  • alias


    Good observation.

    And so a conscientious JW gets caught between the rock and hard place of "don't stumble anyone" and "don't enforce personal views on others" and tip-toes around in the congregation constantly moderating their behavior between guilt and free will.


  • LongHairGal


    Hmm. Nobody seemed to be concerned if they were stumbling me. I actually considered it the height of arrogance on anybody's part that other people should be expected should put up with their idiosyncrasies or "issues". What about reining in your bad behavior??? Has anybody ever thought of that? Isn't it more Christian for everybody to watch themselves instead of acting like petulant, despotic delusionals?

    I got so tired of this behavior and as far as I was concerned, only somebody of extreme age or terminal illness would be humored by me. I was not emotionally blackmailed by anybody and there were some people I refused to be around.

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