Infirmed List for Pioneers?

by skeeter1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Apparently, the Watchtower allows a few "infirmed" people to be labeled as a pioneer, provided they do the best they can in field service. In other words, the hour requirement is waived. How is this approved? By Bethel? Is there a recommendation by an elder/co? Is a green handshake involved? What are the requirements? Can the person be able to do physical exercise, including walking and weights, and still be allowed?

    It seems an elderly person I know is considering this avenue. This is the first time I heard of this special arrangement. To me, it seems like this proves that pioneering is a super status symbol. I asked the person whetehr it should matter what label the person has within the congregation, it's what Jehovah thinks of the person that really matters. I didn't get a reply.

    Could the infirmed list people be the ones that the Watchtower puts up as "examples" to the rest of the flock? At a convention, I can just hear them interviewing Brother Adams, who is battling cancer and still pioneers! Most in the audience are going to think that old Brother Adams is really putting in the hours, when al lhe puts in is a few hours.

    It shows me the pressure the Borg is putting on the older ones to be pioneers!

    Those who are wanting to fade, perhaps you can get your doctor to write you a note? LOL.

    Please let me know your thoughts and experiences with this. Also, does the elder's manual address it?


  • rebel8

    Pioneer emeritus? What's next, I wonder?

  • ralorweigh

    yup, what's next? I'm curious about that.

  • Quarterback

    In order to qualify for this, you should of at least pioneered for over 15 yrs, and be disabled.

    There isn't a Elders letter that exist for this, but the CO has all the Soc's correspondence on this.

    It is the Service Committee that recommends a person for this, then sends it to the Society. Once your on this list, your on it forever, even when you are wearing depends. Yes, I have seen some pioneers at CA's praised for still pioneering under this status.

  • EmptyInside

    I know a couple older ones who have stayed on the pioneer list,despite no longer being able to meet the hour requirement. I'm not sure how many years qualify one for this,but it's pretty much only for those that have pioneered for decades.

    I really don't see a problem with this. It's mostly older ones who are in poor health and can't meet the hours. Pioneering was their life's work,and they really had nothing else. It's sad,but true.

  • Quarterback

    That's right, EIS.

    It's sad that the Soc makes this out as a career, and then calls it a sacrifice and this is the only reward...a name. This is important to some, but some never bothered with it and were satisfied to switch to a publisher status.

  • AvocadoJake
    James 2
    The Sin of Partiality

    1 My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. 2 For if a man comes into your [a] assembly with a gold ring and dressed in [b] fine clothes, and there also comes in a poor man in dirty clothes, 3 and you [c] pay special attention to the one who is (a pioneer, elder, CO, DO, ZO, GB member.) wearing the fine clothes, and say, “You sit here in a good place,” and you say to the poor man (Average Joe and Jane Pub, weak pub, less than weak pub.), “You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool,” 4 have you not made distinctions among yourselves, and become judges with evil [d] motives? NASB

  • dozy

    Yeh - I know a couple of older ones who have this status. One barely does 5 hours a month , yet still regarded has "pioneer" status. The procedure is that the elders write to the branch with a short biography (how many years pioneered , health status , "spiritual condition" etc) and the branch rubber stamps the application , together with a strandard letter to the pioneer that the elders give him / her (usually a her). It is a bit of a farce & just enforces the concept of "pioneer" as a totally meaningless non biblical title.

  • AvocadoJake

    The title may be meaningless, but you are still invited to the "Pioneer Lunches, Pioneer Dinners, Pioneer Q&As" and other functions these above average slaves are included in. Unless you are a rebellious one, your phone number will get lost, "I forget to call you, I had the wrong phone number. Sorry brother questioning of the way things are done.".

  • blondie

    I only know of people who had been regular pioneers for some time who developed a chronic, delibating condition that were granted this status. But not just older people who had never regular (or special pioneered).

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