During the Bush years, I tried to discuss the inaccuracies, errors, and misinterpretations in the Bush Administration's Iraq intelligence that was used to rally the nation and march to war. But most people's eyes would glaze over and they would mumble some comment about foreign policy being too hard and too time consuming to understand. As a nation, we failed in our duty to check our leaders, which led to the Iraq war, which deleteriously diverted our attention from Afghanistan, and has contributed greatly to our financial demise. I hope many of the OWS people, who stayed home from the Kerry-Bush election because they were "depressed" with Kerry, thereby leaving Bush in office to continue the war, accept their fair share of responsibility for contributing to the recession by their foolish decision to opt-out of the democratic process.
Several months ago, I was speaking with someone, and I voiced concerns over what the current Administration was going to do with all the returning soldiers now that the wars are winding down, especially considering the unemployment situation. Shortly thereafter, the Administration reported that in a move that was incredibly out of character, the Iranians were seeking to assasinate a Saudi Prince. Of course, nations can act out of character, but very little (no) supporting evidence was forthcoming. And now, the nuclear rhetoric is increasing.
I'm becoming a little concerned that we are beginning to repeat the Iraq process all over again with Iran. My hope is that Obama is playing a strategy game. Nevertheless, I'm copying an article from the New Yorker and a critique of the New Yorker article. Most people have the day off. Hopefully, they will not find this information "too hard" or "too long."
Happy Thanksgiving