Is that true of wave function collapses?
Jehovah's Witnesses are entitled to their own OPINION
by Terry 25 Replies latest jw friends
My reality is different than yours even if we agree on what it is.
Faulty use of words!
You don't own reality and neither do I! Remove the word "reality" and substitute the correct terminology instead.
Your perception and interpretation are what is actually being discussed and not the objective fact of reality.
Example: Wine tasting.
Five people taste the same wine and each gives a separate opinion of it.
The opinion is perception and the wine is reality.
The way we evaluate requires us to project OUR OWN OPINION like a movie projector displays an image on a screen.
The screen is reality. How you perceive that screen is influenced by the images merrily dancing across it.
Reality is fixed. Perception is subjective and individually calibrated.
The way we are sloppy in our use of language damages our own ability TO THINK PROPERLY.
Ever have somebody ask you if you want a Coke and they are using the word generically to mean any soft drink?
That sort of sloppy!
Like the Burt Bacharach song: A chair is still a chair even if there's no one sitting there. But a chair is not a house and a house is not home if
there's no one there to turn the key. (A HOUSE IS NOT A HOME)
Is that true of wave function collapses?
The "act of observing" is an ambiguously defined phrase, at best. If you bounce a beach ball off a bird in flight it will collapse, right?
The wave/particle duality is a way of describing something in a shoddy way. Math is the only accurate way of "discussing" physics.
When we resort to words we impose a most imperfect distortion on that communication.
Consider H2O. It can be steam, liquid or solid (ice). What enviornment you place that H20 in determines the "state" of it at that particular time and place.
Throw an ice cube into a roaring fire and ask yourself what it "is".
Terry, I agree. Here one can generalize. All religious thought (theology) should be classified under "opinion" until it is proved right or wrong.
After reading Emanuel Tov's Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (specifically p. 22), I had to work out for myself what it means to be objective/subjective. This is the conclusion I have arrived at, right or wrong:
A definition of objectivity is: “involving or deriving from sense perception or experience with actual objects, conditions, or phenomena”, e.g., objective awareness or data (Webster). Unfortunately the scope of the theologian [in this case the teachings of JW] is limited, having to rely on the Biblical account, historical sources, as well as commentaries, to the detriment of true objectivity. A definition of subjectivity is: “characteristic of belonging to reality as perceived rather than independent of mind” or “modified or affected by a personal view, experience or background”, e.g., subjective judgement (Webster). Although one should try to be as objective as possible, it must be conceded that subjectivity pervades all walks of life, especially religious thought. E.g. objective elements pertain to the description of the Biblical text as well as comparitive historical data. However, the disciplines of textual criticism, translation as well as exegesis, fall squarely in the subjective camp. In addition, a combination of subjective criteria and intuition is necessary to establish the importance of differences in ancient and modern translations, compared to the MT. On the whole, something considered a solid fact by one person is contested by another. Because of the nature of Biblical interpretation, it attests to a great deal of subjectivity, which should be taken into account when appraising such material. Hope it helps.
Jehovah's Witnesses are entitled to their own OPINION
or are they ?
Perhaps they are purposefully made subjective to the consortium of WTS's established opinions.
My reality is different than yours even if we agree on what it is.
Yes i will correct myself. I meant my perception of reality is different than yours even if we agree on what it is.
However my point is that to me what really matters is my perception of it. in my head if the wine is sour it is sour even if in REALITY is sweet or if you perceive it to be BITTER.
It doesnt matter to me how anybody else perceives it nor if in REALITY the wine is sweet. If to me is sour thats what really matters to me.
Who should decide whats best for me than me?
dear "moses"...
I can decide for you,'s kinda like a love song...
song of solomon...5:9
love michelle
A person you've grown to admire and trust tells you a very convincing lie.
You repeat the lie not knowing it for what it is.
You are not a liar, but, only party to the transmission of the lie.
People who have grown to admire and trust you hear you tell your (lie) hearsay and are convinced by it.
These people repeat the (lie) hearsay not knowing it for what it is.
They are not liars, but, only party to the transmission of the lie.
Eventually, a very large group of admirable and trustworthy people have spread false information in the strictest good faith!
How, pray tell, can planet Earth's population protect themselves against the viral nature of hearsay from unimpeachable sources??
"How, pray tell, can planet Earth's population protect themselves against the viral nature of hearsay from unimpeachable sources??"
I want to know that.
I believe God exists and is intelligent. I suspect some things are being allowed so that humans in the race for life might learn something important, something needed to win the race. I think learning how to impeach them might be it.