Do you remember the magazine and the author of this magazine, any old timers know who the backers were? I was five years old, when the old man was the editor or author of this religious magazine. Did you ever talk to any of the followers of this movement? Thank you.
The Magazine "The Plain Truth." Remember It?
by AvocadoJake 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'd like to think I'm not quite an "old timer" but I do remember the magazine. A couple of route calls took it & quite often (very much against WTBTS instructions) I used to take one home & read it (in fact , I would peruse the magazine for illustrations & ideas for talks - it always amused me when someone came up after the meeting & told me how much they enjoyed a particular illustration or "new" bible point that I had lifted word for word from the PT!) It had the feel & look of the Awake - a mixture of Reader's Digest style articles with a lot of focus on"end times" and biblical stories. It was advertised quite extensively in the UK in the press , with adverts offering free subscriptions.
I think the WCG (Armstrong) was behind it primarily. It seems now to have been relaunched & morphed into a more mainstream "Christian" magazine. There is a strong theory that ultimately in a few decades the WTBTS will evolve into something similar.
Thanks Dozy, I am reading the link right now. Sorry, I did not mean to call anyone who remembers Armstrong a "old timer.". The magazine evolved once Armstrong died, according to the link you provided. It's nice to see a group of men realize, one man is able to sway to much power.
"In 1996 The Plain Truth ceased publication by the Worldwide Church of God and began publication by the non-denominational Plain Truth Ministries. The new Plain Truth has radically different editorial content, and mainstream Christian teaching, featuring a variety of Christian authors"
The wiki link you provided. source
I had a RV who was getting the "Plain Truth." I remember writing to Armstrong asking if he had ever been a Jehovah's Witness--because he sounded so much like the witnesses. He wrote back and said that he never had been but that he did occasionally read the Watchtower and Awake! magazines.
In my blissful ignorance, I use to think it was part of the WTS
now that I have been touched by this poison, I feel like
some things will never be the same, forever destroyed
but on the other hand, I don't take life for granted anymore
First time I saw Plain Truth was in Fresno Ca.early 70s. It was on TV, we were at a District Assembly and at first I thought it was a JW program advertising the Assembly they were that close.
In the early 90's and maybe longer, they used to have a weekly show where the guy would break down prophecy with maps and such. My husband ordered their mag once, and I read it just before I met the witnesses. I remember thinking there were some strong similarities.
There is an interesting documentary about the WorldWide Church of God and its re-organization. It has been posted and discussed here before, here is one link to it on Youtube;
It is tempting to think that something like this could happen to the WT.
Armstrongs diatribe was so similar to the Society's in those days (70's) that it was commonly assumed there was a connection. I don't believe there was a direct connection, but Armstrong came from an Adventist background in the US, a similar background as Russell did in the 1880's.
After Armstrong died, the new leadership changed the doctrines (accepted Trinity and stopped tithing) and most of the people left. It is an interesting story and worth the time to watch the video.
Family Radio fired Harold Camping, and lost over $200 million dollars (USD) with their "End Time." snow job. I honestly feel bad for Harold Camping, I know he was wrong, but he was zealous and does not want to die. I wonder if Harold is angry at God now? How will Family Radio come out of this mess, they have lost all credibility with their bad bet. When will the Watchtower Society say "Uncle." and stop trying to micro-manage the lives of the JWs? Hal Lindsay "The Late Great Planet Earth." has come down to earth, after his day in the media sun. Now his books don't sell like they use to, people feel a bit cheated by his prophecy reading failure too.
I use to get them at the Napa parts store in the 80's.
After a J. dub pio. couple came to my door, I throungh out everything not W.T. inspired!
JWStruggle writers last month put this thread here...
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