What I have noticed is that most of the younger ones (which for the purposes of this discussion will be the under 60s) don't talk about 'the truth' amongst themselves at all. When I was a child they did.
What's The Biggest Difference In Today's JWs And The Witnesses From Decades Ago?
by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends
Even socially allot has changed. I remember as a kid we ALWAYS had friends drop in on us and it seemed that we were very active on a social level. We were always invited out to someone’s home for dinner etc. I recall that in the summer we used to forego the Sunday meeting on occasion and would meet in Banff (Rocky Mountain Park) for a casual congregation Watchtower Study and then we all just enjoyed the rest of the day together. It did not take long for that to be annexed from our list of “fun” things to do. I also remember that even during the public talk it was not uncommon to have demo’s and interviews. Now everything is so regimented and there are procedures for everything. It has zapped the joy of what used to be a great social network. I agree with the comments that all the control measures exerted by the WTS have evaporated the joy and enthusiasm. Now they really do resemble the figurative BORG more than ever!
I also remember that even during the public talk it was not uncommon to have demo’s and interviews
I'm so glad you said that. I was starting to think that I had imagined being on the stage sometimes during the public talk with my father when I was a little kid. You couldn't possibly do such a thing nowadays!
we have the internet!!
Being a Witness is drudgery. No joy, just thankless labor for nada.
Everything has been dumbed down, homogonized and has been made formulaic. The dramas are canned, the music is recorded, talks are from predictable outlines and hardly anyone researches anything anymore or really knows why they believe what they believe. The facts no longer matter...as long as the tid bits of information picked up at the meeting when one happens to be listening, make some sense and gives one a sense of superiority over the world, all is well. During the assemblies and meetings they hear how deep into the end we are but are thinking about going to the Olive Garden afterward. They go in service with literature containing this urgent message but afterwards they plan their upcomming trip to Hawaii or the new house they are building. They are no different than the rest of the Christendom...they just think they are.
Years ago, JWs enjoyed verbal sparring with a householder, considering it a challenge. Today, if the householder doesn't meekly submit to the indoctrination, many JWs leave for good. No easy sale? Goodbye.
If you ask me, the reason that so much information has been dumbed down is because people today can easily use the internet to research and analyze the literature. Twenty or thirty years ago, you just believed whatever you were told. Not just by the Watchtower, but by anyone. Nobody was going to the library to verify and validate. But people today have access to so much information, the Governing Body has to be a little more careful when they go cherry-picking information or misquoting people.
The only time they will be a little more detailed than usual is when the information can't be verified anyway.
I recall during Sunday family visits that my father and uncle would do a lot of speculation. They started discouraging in the 70's and by the end of the 70's it was tantamount to apostasy. I miss those heated debates and a few of John Wayne's " hell' thrown in for flavor. It was a more lively time due to WW11 and Vietnam and all the persecution. Folks seemed more active in FS and we actually had doctrine discussions at the door.
By the time I slopped attending FS was leaving mags at laundry mats and return visits.There used to congo picnics and football /baseball games. We were told they were gone b/c a few were suing the wts if they got hurt at the games.
Folks around here stopped by to "visit" without calling and life was just slower. We all felt closer and those with weaknesses were helped not thrown out. ( I recall many a time hearing talks about helping the weak-seems they are viewed so differently now).
A very interesting thread with several insightful observations. Thanks to minimus and all the commenters.