Silent_Scream good pov. BUT this is not an apostate website. We are escapees. THEY are apostates because they view men as gods.
For Mankkeli and other apologists
by JeffT 30 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
God established no authority structure. We have four different gospels, not one. Paul wrote several letters. Letters that Paul actually wrote and not the author of Acts or some less reputable Christian figure. Paul gave some deference to Jerusalem but not blind devotion. There was not a Christianity but christianites. Conformity only happened after Constantine's vision of the cross providing his military success. The complete merger of political and religious rule brought unity --- at a very high cost. Constantine was interested in unseating his rivals, not religion per se.
You are ignorance of basic secular facts. FActs, not opinion. This is strange for a tenured faculty members. Academics understand nuance and complexity. They don't ever accept any single source as definitive, not even in the sciences. Your saying something is so does not make it so. It is a propaganda technique that if you repeat a massive law often enough people will eventually believe it to be true. Not even a ramshackle institution would employ a faculty member without thinking skills. We write our own viewpoints. You cannot write your viewpoint -- only regurgitate WTS.
Your argument collapses completely if there is not solid proof, and a lot of it, that the WTS is the sole organ of God's will. If Christ did not become invisibly present (he's Christ, why isn't he visible) in 1914, every single Witness doctrine fails and fails completely. It is a house of cards.
I think ignoring someone may be the wisest policy. You aren't suppose to be here. If you give me your contact info, I will gladly call WTBTS at Bethel to get you help with your apostacy. According to your beliefs, you are risking eternal condemnation and death by posting here. These sites are not supposed to be an easy way to perform FS. The Blue Meanies here may very well get you.
I think it's time the Writing Department updated that Organizational chart:
N.Drew - I was speaking WTS lingo. anything in opposition to those 7 men in brooklyn is apostasy, no matter how much info yoiu actually ge from the Bible
Mary - I think GB should be a very top, and the faithful slave should be at very bottom. When Jesus asked "Who really is the faithful slave", he was asking according to WTS because since they have no say in anything, but supposedly they are put in charge, everyone is wondering, who really are they? lol.
and if theres a 70 year old anointed sister in the hall, she's under the authority of a 13 year old baptized brother.
It goes without saying that if Christians are required by God to show due respect for worldly authorities, they should likewise respect the authority structure established by God -- WT, 1994, 7/1
So why say it then? Because their authority does not come from anyone . . . they impose it themselves.
I can only echo coftly's sentiment . . .
fuck the GB . . . fuck their self-assumed authority . . . fuck the fictitous god they worship. fuck anyone that thinks they're anything else but deceitful self-interested arseholes. They can all kiss my ass and be thankful I'm in a good mood.
Thank you for putting this information up, so those of us searching, can get more light. The true scriptural application in Acts about the Paul and Barnabas, was, incredible and I have never thought of this, in the way it was put. I am sitting back, just pondering this information, just shocked at my stupidity for not using more critical thinking as a youth. If two ancient men, whose names were Paul and Barnabas, showed up to the GB with news about God that was different from their viewpoit, they would be disfellowshiped for Apostasy!
NC- you are too much with those videos! lol
Sorry . . . I guess I'm not really in a good mood. I need a holiday from this BS.
still thinking
New Chapter...thanks for the laugh with those videos....they were crack up...unlike your post Mankey...which is incredibly boring even more boring than a rugby match...and that's saying something!!
Mary - You got it right!!
Wasn't there an 'encouraging' article about this?
Oh, yes, from my bookbag...........