What's your view on who REALLY are the "mentally diseased" apostates?

by Fernando 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    Religion allows us to KNOW the "God of Religion".

    The unabridged gospel/bissar/injeel allows us to KNOW the "God of Abraham".

    KNOW = be intimate with (spiritual union or intercourse)

    Therefore the "God of Abraham" views intimacy with the "God of Religion" as heresy or apostasy which is spiritual unfaithfulness, adultery, fornication and prostitution.

    When searching the Bible for prostit*, the most occurrences are found in Ezekiel chapters 16 and 23 (a total of 37 hits). Most of the time those backslapping themselves as "God's people" or "God's organisation" are the apostates!

    This is why (the God of) Religion has always spitefully referred to conscientious objectors as "mentally diseased" apostates or heretics, who need to be "tortured" and "killed" in one way or another.

    Religion misrepresents God as anti-science, anti-sex, anti-gays, anti-politicians and of course pro-religionists!

  • truthseeker1969

    If being 'mentally diseased" means you are able to reason beyond what is presented as fact, I am "mentally diseased"

    I think it is a badge of honor to be able to dissect, discuss and question anything presented as fact and show otherwise and be insulted for doing so.

  • flipper

    " What's your view on who REALLY are the " mentally diseased " apostates ? Answer : The governing body of the WT society and it's other assorted leaders

  • EntirelyPossible

    Religion misrepresents God as anti-science, anti-sex, anti-gays, anti-politicians and of course pro-religionists!

    I always thought God seemed a little too fond of talking about men's dicks to REALLY hate gay people.

  • cedars

    I wouldn't be tempted to call anyone "mentally diseased" just for having a different opinion. This hate term is highly offensive towards those who genuinely suffer from a mental illness.

    In case you haven't already noticed, I'm against stooping to the Governing Body's level on this issue.


  • MrMonroe

    The term comes from what is evidently a sloppy translation. No other Bible version has such a wording. When it has suited them, they have trotted the phrase out in the Watchtower, supposedly as a quote from the BIble but clearly meant as a term of denigration for anyone who dares to disagree with them.

    The context of the scripture is a condemnation of Christians who just want to argue doctrinal issues to the point of absurdity, missing the rel message. The WT applies it to anyone who just disputes their often tortured view of scripture. Often it's they who wear people out examining, and distorting words to suit their own ends: what is a generation? what does it mean to abstain from blood? Does "porneia" include oral contact? what does it mean to stand before the throne?

  • IsaacJ22

    The fact that the Society's writing committee let the "mentally diseased" phrase through its filters without realizing the wording might seem...a tad evil, bigoted, or inflammatory...says something too, I think. They're so used to saying evil BS about us that no one's alarms went off even to their own benefit.

  • WTWizard

    I would presume the real mentally diseased apostates are the ones that corrupted Jesus' message in the first place. Once it got corrupted, and recorded in its corrupted form, the whole idea of religion was shot right out the window.

  • DaCheech

    If there happen to be a couple of fervent apostates, can you blame them?

    have you seen what the watchower does to:




  • designs

    IsaacJ22- 'let the 'mentally diseased' phrase through the filters'. That really is the amazing and scary thing isn't it. Adults sit in a KH and let themselves be fed this kind of hate speech and without the capacity to question it.

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