I have a choice to either watch or turn them off (for good if I have to), as opposed to, “you have to go to the meeting or else Jehovah will be very upset with you” or “I had better keep up my meeting attendance to avoid the Spanish Inquisition from Elders so and so – I've already missed two consecutive meetings, missing the third will surely bring down the guillotine…”
JWs have the same choice with videos. This is NOT a meeting so any comparison is invalid.
If I am being indoctrinated, than I am being indoctrinated by God’s Word.
JWs say the same thing. Why is this different?
The transformation that happened in my life after learning and applying Bible principles is living proof that God’s Word is real - it is living, and has the power to change lives.
JWs say the same thing. How is this different?