todays WT study...the picture...?

by stillin 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillin

    I wish I could scan it and get your thoughts. It was a picture of a happy group of witnesses during a meeting for field service. There was a

    comment from a local high-horse-rider about a brother in the front row in the picture being disobedient. But I can't see it so I spoke with this

    person after the meeting and said that it looked to me like the brother in the picture was doing the best he could, and being obedient! No reason

    to judge him so. But the person was positive of the brother's unfaithfulness. All I could do was smile and shake my head...

    Why do I let myself get involved like this? Anybody else here that went?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    Beginning of the Eye Opener.........

    time to leave LOL!!

    Good Luck!

  • sabastious

    He's able to see unfaithfulness within someone's gaze, apparently. How judgemental can the human mind become? It's like an ethical mambo in those Kingdom Halls! How low can you go!


  • sprintcmp

    I am visiting at my sister's and my uber devout mom is listening to what I think is a recording of today's lesson. Don't know if it is the same one you are referring to but the condescending reader's voice is admonishing all to "wait on Jehovah". Something about a person named "Tora"(?) who ran ahead. So very cult like.

    Things I am hearing:

    • Inciteful elders,
    • some problems persists despite elders diligent efforts.
    • for more information, visit our website !!!!! What?
  • lilbluekitty

    It's Korah who ran ahead and it's in the Bible. I'm not saying I agree with the dubs, just correcting

    For those of you who haven't seen the picture, I'll post it. I seriously see nothing wrong with any of the brothers in the front row...?

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    The fellow in the front row of the photo doesn't have his book and KM like everyone else, I have to admit it looks like they are trying to say he is 'not following direction' because he came with out the prepared material. If so, it is really sad. He's there, isn't he? Sheesh - what nit-pickers.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I'm sorry but the guy in the front row to the left........

    is obviously coloring in the O's in the WTS Book........

    and not paying attention..........

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm sorta at a loss for words here. Has this religion disintigrated to the point that people are having witch hunts on pictures in a WT?

  • InterestedOne

    So which is the disobedient one? As dropoffyourkeylee noted, it could be the one without his book & KM, but then look at the guy on the left - he's looking down and thinking while everyone else is looking up at the speaker - plus, he doesn't have a jacket like the other guys. Maybe both fellows are disobedient.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    1600's Salem Style

    It's A WITCH!!!!!

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