Starting to read Crisis of Conscience....

by confuzzled777 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Giordano

    Your right iCeltic I hurried the info and just looked at the price.

  • iCeltic

    it's still a hell of a lot cheaper in the states than the UK, a new copy is about £60 here (not sure what that is in $) and it was over £100 on ebay when I looked before.

  • alias

    COC was the beginning of the end for me. Now it's funny to reflect on how much fear filled me when I first cracked that book open in the early stages of leaving.

    Forbidden knowledge! No, just the other side of the story. What an awakening.

    I donated both COC and ISOCF to the local library a few years ago.

    Not afraid of books anymore,


  • pbrow

    amen alias!!

    isnt it funny how afraid you were of a BOOK!! Almost looking over your shoulders when you read it!! I try to get family members to read it and they have the same aversion to reading it! It is almost laughable if it wasnt so scary how people are programmed not to touch that "aspostate garbage" Both books are very encouraging and excellent examples of personal freedom. These books will help you live the life you were born to live.


  • Fernando

    Hey confuzzled777!

    This article on “legalism” (supremacist efforts at self-righteousness by means of following the “right” rules) is a real eye-opener: g79 6/8 pp. 27-28. It was probably written by Ray and so is a really good primer for ISOCF.



  • alias


    Yeah, afraid of a book! :)


  • ex360shipper

    I'm on page 100 of CoC. I have to hide it from my JW housekeeper. Which means I hide it from myself and forget to go read it. But it has been interesting so far.

  • leavingwt

    Ex360: You haven't yet reached the good part. The first 100 pages reads like a life story in an Awake magazine. Put on your seat belt. You're gonna need it!

  • ex360shipper


    I'm just disgusted now. I've been reading it for a few hours with football on in the background and I am to the part on Mexico/Malawi political cards. I'm so amazed that such different policies were enforced AT THE SAME TIME. Your words popped in my head. This is more than I imagined.

    Those poor brothers in Malawi.... if only they knew.

  • LoJack


    I feel your pain. Such hypocrisy. How can they have such double standards? They are the biggest cult in the history of the world. Wait until you read the other book by our friend ray Franz. " In search of Christian freedom" it will knock your socks off.


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