They are so self-centered that, when they move to a foreign country, all they research is what witlesses are doing in that country. I can think of many good reasons to want to move to another country. But, this is totally the wrong reason.
Supposing, for instance, you are really interested in moving from Great Britain to New Zealand. There are good reasons for doing this. But, which is going to affect you most, that they really need help in the congregations? Is that going to help you get a job (or start a business)? Is this going to be conducive to your health or lack thereof? You might be interested in getting out of the constant drizzle and fog into more sunshine (and harder rain when it does come down). You might be interested in getting out from under a developing tyranny. You might wish to start a business. But, you need to research these issues. If you just pack up and go based solely on knowing where the need is greater, there is a good chance that either you are going to get deported or turned back at the airport, you are not going to fit in, or you will be spending so much time settling in that you will never be able to spend any time preaching anyways.
Make sure of the real more important things--the witlesses are but one facet of life. You need first to make sure you are able to sustain yourself, and that the environment is to your liking. And, if you find that the witlesses are being persecuted in the new country, find out why--is there a good reason like welshing on a major issue or protecting pedophiles and silencing victims?