Lesbian protest kiss at convention during CO's talk... taking it too far?

by Joliette 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShadesofGrey
    other than to give them yet another "nail" to drive into the apostate "coffin" ("SEE??!!! We TOLD you they were depraved!! Now, you've seen it for yourselves!!")?
    So, help me understand, please: what, again, would you actually be hoping to accomplish?

    I agree, SA. One thing I was thinking was maybe it would be a show of support for the homosexuals still trapped in the org and hating themselves?

  • lifestooshort

    It is a great idea. You might get more attention if it was done during the prayer.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I like that during the prayer!!! then you'll know who was looking!!! maybe one of those LONG prayers

  • cyberjesus

    id say go for it.... just make sure somebody records it and the audience reaction.

  • AGuest
    maybe it would be a show of support for the homosexuals still trapped in the org and hating themselves

    Not if they're not ready for such "show" themselves, dear Shades (peace to you!)... which, if they're still in, they most probably aren't. Rather, it may just run them right [back] into the [wrong] arms. Including those of the WTBTS. One should consider NOT doing what "they" say "we" do/might do... including acting out in public (I mean, an of-age unmarried hetero couple could do the same thing, could they not, as an exhibit of THEIR love... and the ridiculousness of "chaperoning" grown-butt adults?)

    I get the humor and shock-value of it, dear ones, I truly do. But there is that saying, isn't there, regarding "The best laid plans... of mice... and men..."?

    I just can't see how it would really shake anything up... other than, again, to give THEM fodder to put those who disagree with them down. I mean, can't YOU all see the heads somberly nodding, while folks murmur, "Yes, O Great FDS, you were RIGHT: they ARE all depraved! We have SEEN it now, with our OWN eyes!" Seems to me like it'll only push most of them further in ("And if you're right about THIS, well, you must certainly be right about EVERYTHING! So, no, we will NEVER leave you, O Most Great FDS!").

    I mean, I'm just sayin'. But, again, I get the humor and shock-value. I just think the latter will be quite minimal... at least, as to the direction dear Jol (again, peace to you!) might want to go.

    But, hey, who am I? Just puttin' in my $0.02, is all...


    A slave of Christ,


  • ShadesofGrey

    I think that your reasoning is sound SA. I don't see any good coming of it.

  • lifestooshort

    Come on we are not supposed to reason all the time. There are a ton of things we do everyday that does not utilize the reasoning portion of the brain. But we still do it. We all do. Come on.

  • lifestooshort

    You are actually saying "No" to two hot sisters kissing. WTF!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    go ahead. please share it on youtube!

  • AGuest
    You are actually saying "No" to two hot sisters kissing. WTF!

    Ummmmm... isn't "hot" an assumption, dear LITS (peace to you... and J/K, dear Jol!! Peace to you... and I know you're "hot", girl - LOLOLOL!)?

    I dunno... people kissing... two women, two men, a man and a woman... two men and three women... what the heck... doesn't really "do" anything for me. At a religious event or otherwise. Maybe 'cause I'ma girl, who knows.

    Now, ME kissing? Whole 'nuther sumthin', that. Talk about "hot" (j/k, again - smile!)

    Again, get the humor. Just don't think it'll have the effect "we" all envision, is all.

    Peace... and PUCKER UP!!

    SA, who thinks she'd better bow out of this thread now before someone gets the wrong impression of her - hehehehehehe...

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