What are the reasons?

by neyank 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I as third generation. My wife and I left before we had kids. My aunts go back to the early Rutherford days. One advantage, Struggle, if you do decide to become less active yet, you have a lot of support. We had none. We were like strangers in a foreign land. Others have talked about that, e.g., RHW. So, though still tough, us pioneers we have made it easier for you.


    To Thinker's Wife

    Will do. I mainly read the Bible. It is my basic for everything. I do read soicety Publications, knowing that men thoughts are convey in them, may I say adding to the scriptures.

    To Larc

    Wow, I'm impressed, back to Rutherford days. Don't get me wrong, I am and will continue to be active. It's just somethings have change. I will let Jehovah guide me, not man. Thank you for all the support.
    What do you think the elders would do to me if they knew I am on the internet talking to you al1? :-)

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Perish the thought. I don't think they would like you talking to us at all. I only wish I had known about this site a long time ago!!
    I love you and Zazz. Will support you now any time you need it.

  • amicus

    I read an interesting post on H2O. The poster was a MS that knows the FDS teach flawed doctrine. He commented that he knows a lot of elders that agree. They stay in the org. for various reasons.
    I wonder how widespread that attitude is? The elders you refer to may not be as disapproving as you think.



    The thought has cross my mind. But at the same time, when you are in on a committee it is highly unlikely that one of them will take that opportunity to reveal his intermost thoughts.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Struggle, I think that you are now at the point that I was many years ago. There were things that bothered me about the WTBTS, but I determined that I would stay strong and follow Jehovah within the confines of what I believed to be His organization. I vowed that I would not let "imperfect men" keep me from following through on my dedication.

    The problem was, no matter how hard I tried to stuff my doubts and concerns, they kept popping up time after time. I finally realized that staying in the organization would mean that I would have to constantly rationalize all of the unchristian acts and deeds that I saw. I couldn't do that and remain whole.

    Since vowing never to return, I've found that, to my surprise, my relationship with Jehovah is much, much stronger than it ever was while in the BOrg. Rather than abandoning my dedication to Him, I've found that I can continue to do His will without worrying about "sales meetings" and "corporate timesheets".

    Keep searching, Struggle. Keep learning and keep an open mind.



    I will keep searching. I am glad you still have a relationship with Jehovah. That is what I want to always have. I want him to always be in my life.

  • happytobefree

    I have been following this thread, and one thing that drives me a little crazy, is addressing our Father by his name. I think it is great that we know our Father's name. But to address him by Jehovah, just seem so disrespectful I always thought this as an active JW, and now find it deplorable knowing what I know about the WTBTS. When we ask our earthly fathers, we would never call him Jim, Bob, George, but affectionately dad, daddy, father, papa, etc. So I wonder how does God feel when we pray and address him as Jehovah.

    And another thought, just think the WTBTS says that's what set them apart from the other religions, it that they are the ONLY religion that call the Father by his name. A name that they inserted into the their translation, and a name that we are not sure we are pronouncing correctly.

    Well that's just my 2 cents.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • ianao
    I have been following this thread, and one thing that drives me a little crazy, is addressing our Father by his name. I think it is great that we know our Father's name. But to address him by Jehovah, just seem so disrespectful I always thought this as an active JW, and now find it deplorable knowing what I know about the WTBTS. When we ask our earthly fathers, we would never call him Jim, Bob, George, but affectionately dad, daddy, father, papa, etc. So I wonder how does God feel when we pray and address him as Jehovah.

    I know that we are to pray to the father in Jesus' name. One of the main ideas of Jesus was to SANCTIFY his Father's name.

    sanc·ti·fy (sngkt-f)
    v. tr. sanc·ti·fied, sanc·ti·fy·ing, sanc·ti·fies.

    To set apart for sacred use; consecrate.
    To make holy; purify.
    To give religious sanction to, as with an oath or a vow: sanctify a marriage.
    To give social or moral sanction to.
    To make productive of holiness or spiritual blessing.

    How can you sanctify a name you don't even know? YHWH is God's personal name. How can you have a personal relationship with him without his name? Kind of impersonal, isn't it?

    And another thought, just think the WTBTS says that's what set them apart from the other religions, it that they are the ONLY religion that call the Father by his name. A name that they inserted into the their translation, and a name that we are not sure we are pronouncing correctly.

    I agree with you regarding the actions to set themselves apart. Please remember that they did not 'insert' that name into their translation. They rendered it, as stated in the scripture.

    On a second note, I am aware of their changing 'Lord God' to read Jehovah in the NT. In areas where OT scripture was being cited, the convention is acceptable, IMHO. It's when they insert it in areas just because it reads 'Lord God' is when they are stepping over the line. Sure Lord God is God, you don't HAVE to beat the name Jehovah into people's heads. Or do you?

    Please remember that the whole idea of JWs was having TRUTH. One truth that they adhere to (IMHO with good reason) is that of no triune God. It's hard to witness to people when you are constantly playing word games over scripture and translation, which is often the case when others witness to other denominations who regard the whims of a homosexual as a blessed translation of God, namely the King James VERSION.


  • thinker

    Back to the original question.

    What are the different reasons that you all have for continuing to be preocupied with the WTS?

    I've never been a JW, but my wife has so I want very much to understand it all. In addition, I met some of her JW friends just before she DA'd and for the most part they were very nice, normal folks. When I learned more about the org. it baffled me as to why these nice people would abandon all logic and allow themselves to be so controlled. I have a hypothesis, but for now I'll keep it to myself.


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