They called me tonight when I was feeling so bad with all of the stuff w/my mum and wanting to leave this planet and all.Out of the blue.Mr.and Mrs F.,thankyou.If you only knew how timely and how much that meant...I still cant believe it.I care about these people and they care about me.So maybe thats the only good thing about being raised a diu.To leave,yadayadayada,and then meet folks like Mr and Mrs F.Thank you from the bottom of this dark cold pit that has started to become my heart and soul.You sent down some lotion.In a basket....Love you both.Really.And thanks......;} Peace out,my friends,I wil be ther ein Tahoe ths July.I want to clap my eyes of people who have meant so much to me...Everyone,Come to TAHOE this year!!!!!!PLease!!!If its money,let us know.Ill sell more jewelry.Hell.if there s enough people between Maine and Cal.Ill drive,and pick you up on the way! My pleasure.But I want to meet these folks..Beautiful...
I have some new friends,because of JWN.Not just cyber,but real people that I care about now..
by aquagirl 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Think About It
That is nice.....glad you have made some friends here.
Think About It
AQUAGIRL- We feel the same way towards you my friend. Enjoyed the conversation as well today. Hope your mom is getting a little bit better each day. My wife said to say " Hi " ! to you too ! Love back to you in spades my friend. This board helps us to not only be advocates for our relatives health- but we can be advocates for each other as we discussed that we here are all SURVIVORS of a mind control cult. So many of us have been through such deep, involved cult exiting crap - that we all understand one another in spite of different experiences.
That would be great if you come next summer to Tahoe ! Lots of cool, friendly people will be there. Usually have about 20 - 25, but hey might have even more next year ! Who knows ? Take care , give mom a big hug from us, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr.Flipper
You ALL rock my world so much..Thanks to you all....If you only knew...
Can you feel the love tonight?
p.s. Glad to have helped you out.
That would be cool to go to Tahoe sometime. I really enjoyed some of the pics that flipper had posted during past summers. I haven't traveled much over the past couple of years due to work, finances and dealing with the death of my father, etc. I miss going to the apostafests the folks in Dallas used to have. They were a blast and I had got to meet some awesome people from this board like Blondie, Terry, ohiocowboy, cuzenheart, bigtex and many more.
You're so right Aquagirl. Mr and Mrs Flip are two of the most beautiful folks I know from the board (Shelby is on my list too).
I love you guys!
P.S. it would be killer if you could make it to Tahoe next year Aquagirl.
I wasn't so sure that I can make it to Tahoe in 2012, but if Aquagirl is going to go, I will try harder to make it.
I love Mr. and Mrs. F also.
Aquagirl, We sure hope you and your mom can get some peace and rest. We're so new here we hadn't heard about Tahoe. So glad you mentioned it-can't wait to meet you, Mr. and Mrs, Flipper and all the other great people we are getting to know.