I hate memorization. It is much better to have some sort of file and access the material as needed. Children did not give ministry school talks in my day; but tweens did. All my school work and TV viewing came to a halt. My mom would write my presentation. I would be so nervous that I would be physically ill. Since everything was memorized, I needed a householder to follow the script. It was never arranged. So I said the memorized words, then the sister would ask a question off script. It would have been so much easier to just talk to the audience the way males can. I wanted the affirmation from Ministry School but detested it. Once I lost my voice b/c of a cold and the whole KH laughed so hard. I always received negative comments. Never a nice word. Never an acknolwedgment that I was just a kid.
Now that I have more recall, the Ministry School ministers were very poor public speakers. Their qualifications were being male and showing up for the gig. They sold welfare shoes. Actually, I do admire the dedication and discipline.