So an old friend from the hall called me today....

by shakyground 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice
    he started telling me about how everyone at the hall misses me and asks about me.

    I bet they didn't ask you directly did they? Sounds like he's making it up to guilt trip you into returning to the cult.

    How would you guys have responded? Isn't that a bit insensitive to say how would my dad feel?

    I actually had this said to me before I was DA'd. My response was: 'I'd love to see my Dad again. However, it doesn't mean that it'll ever happen in a certain way just because the watchtower says so!'

    TBH, no matter what you say the dubs won't listen or respect your views. They have to regurgitate the swill that comes from the 7 paedophile protecting men in Brooklyn.......or the brand named god of the WBT$ will not be a happy bunny!

  • shakyground

    Thanks so much guys lol I loved all of these responses and many of them made me laugh and now I feel better. The problem is with him not with me and I realize that.

  • xchange

    My father said the same thing to me, "What will I tell your mother when she finds out you're not in the new system?". I answered back, "What makes you think that, if for the moment I accept the premise of a new world, mom would even be there?". He said that to say such a thing was hurtful. I said, 'exactly'.

  • aquagirl

    I like this one...Im going to steal this the next time I hear it,altho after my recent contacts with th edubs,I have a feeling itll be a cold day in Hell before one of them even comes near me....hehhehheh

    Post 778 of 779
    Since 5/30/2011

    You should ask him, how do you think you will feel when you're 80 years old on your death bed, the new system isn't here, and you realize your religion was a lie?

    Preface it with, not to make you feel uncomfortable and awkward....

  • designs

    There is always the dialogue of what is said to your face and what is said behind your back. For me it was hearing- 'we miss you come back to the KH', what was said behind my back- 'we won't DF him for now'.

    How can you ever let your guard down with such 'friends'. Or ever return.

  • outsmartthesystem

    He is clearly using fear and guilt to try to persuade you to come back. Problem is.....he doesn't even see it. He thinks he is just laying out the facts for you.

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