So remember the Bible Story Book Chapter 86 Men Guided by a Star... Remember it said that Satan is the one who must have made that star shine because it was leading the chief priests that was brought by Herod who in fact wanted Jesus killed! Matthew 2:1-23; Micah 5:2
Ok so I was reading out of my son's Christmas book that his grandma gave him. It has a part "Following the Star"...Wise men heard about the birth of Jesus, the new king. They would travel far to find him for they had some gifts to bring. They saw a bright star in the East; it shone both night and day. They knew that if they followed it the star would show the way. (Mattew 2:1-9)
So what do you think is the Star good or bad? I still am getting all the kinks out of the holidays (I accepted many things over time but I'm still wierd about the star)