what evidence do we have to prove otherwise that similar authority wasn't given to the genius in brooklyn since 1919 to care for the masters assets here on earth?
by mankkeli 54 Replies latest jw experiences
what evidence do we have to prove otherwise that similar authority wasn't given to the genius in brooklyn since 1919 to care for the masters assets here on earth?
THE GREAT WATCHTOWER CONTRADICTION had something to do with me leaving. It's an 11 minute read if you skip the endnotes. Let me know if it has any impact on you.
That 1984 Watchtower illustrates just how good a prophet they are.
Well I learned something today. The really good cults have a cruise ship! Scientologists have had one for years, one lady claims she was trapped on it for twelve years. Why doesn't the WT Society get one too? That's what they really need to keep people from getting shipwrecked
The WTS. = the cruise ship of lurring false prophecies to create profits $$$
Mankkeli is a shining example of lies and corrtion to support someone elses bigger lies and corrption.
One thing thats interesting if you'll take note is that JWs who come here seems to always cut and paste WT articles, like
they have little of their own inner intellectualism , so they just post whats been indoctrinated into them by the WTS. publishing house.
Too lazy to explore and think for themselves, too lazy to learn and so much wanting to be above everyone else justifiably supported upon
their taught ignorances by a corrupt religious charlatans running a publishing house.
I am quite happy to have left the sinking ship "Watchtower Bible & Tract Society" also known as "Chistian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses", because just as the Titanic in 1912, it has hit rocks or icebergs (one iceberg is called : the love of many JW has cooled down below freezing point) and has holes all over under the wareline, and it is sinking fast. I cannot in good faith and conscience remain connected to it. The moral values it is practicing is too low, definitely compared to what it is boasting about. In order to keep a good conscience in the face of God Almighty, I jumped in a rescue vessel and I feel sincerely sorry for all those still aboard. Many had good faith in the Titanic, as do many in the Society. That faith is not going to save them, just as it did not save any 99 years ago. Nor is any of the socalled great worldwide witnesses works going to save them either. Remaining in the borg is a clear course to spiritual shipwreck.
Avoiding a shipwreck is the responsibility of the captain, first mate, navigator and other officers in charge of the vessel, not the passengers. If the Watchtower Society is worried about having too many spiritual Exxon Valdez incidents they should be addressing their leaders, not the rank and file.
Avoiding a shipwreck is the responsibility of the captain, first mate, navigator and other officers in charge of the vessel, not the passengers. If the Watchtower Society is worried about having too many spiritual Exxon Valdez incidents they should be addressing their leaders, not the rank and file.
Amen! What cowardly leaders to blame shipwreck on the deckhands.
This Watchtower article defines "spiritual shipwreck" as: A figure of speech referring to one of Jehovah's Witnesses who has lost faith in their religion because they feel Armageddon has not come fast enough and no longer care for living on "Paradise" earth. This can includes the verbal berating of those who claim to be the Faithful and Descreet Slave, also referred to as "The Governing Body".
This claim is highly opinionated and requires one to accept a number of thoughts as fact. Such as:
1) There is a god and his name is Jehovah.
2) Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion.
3) The Governing Body is the Faithful and Discreet Slave.
4) An event referred to as "Armageddon" will take place.
5) Those given salvation will be given everlasting last and live on earth under paradise conditions.
6) Anyone who questions and speaks out against the Governing Body is the "Evil Slave".
There is no proof of any of this. Research the Münchhausen Trilemma. The belief that the Bible is all true is "Turtles all the way down."
Use some common sense; this website's purpose is to present a forum for persons who were Jehovah's Witnesses, but came to the realization that the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is a mindcontrol cult and an evil, greedy corporation. Quoting from Watchtower literature to prove a point to the users of this website is like quoting from "The Amazing Spider-Man" issue number 200 to prove to me that Spider-Man really exists.
Mankkeli, this is just some friendly advice and you can do what you want with it; stop. Just stop. I perceive that your sole purpose of posting on this site, regardless of your claims, is to try to prove to the users of this site that we are all misleading ourselves and that we need to jump back on the Watchtower bandwagon. You are wasting bandwidth.
I suggest that in the future, if you are going to try to prove the Watchtower Society to be correct on any idea, I suggest you quote from sources that are not printed in the publications of the Watchtower Society.