We certainly don't want to allow Watchtower the luxury of forgetting. For your private campaign, right click on the image and follow the menu item of your choice. Len Miller
1984 WT Cover, one more arrow in our quiver
by FatFreek 2005 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals
free @ last
Thank you for this Len. Would you be able to repost it without the Wt quotation overlay; I'd like to get a better view of the names of the people pictured here.
I like how they try to put a positive spin on it. "If the end had come twenty years ago, how many of us would not be here?" Yeah, we were wrong but heh heheh, lucky you. Send more money please.
FatFreek 2005
Be glad to, Free. I created these others quite awhile ago.
FatFreek 2005
"If the end had come twenty years ago, how many of us would not be here?"
That's a good one, X360 -- one I hadn't heard before.
And according to the biblle,Matt.1:14 a generation is 48 years long.
Abraham born in 2018 BC
Jesus born in 2 BC
3 lots of 14 generations in between = 42 gens.
2016/42 =48 tears
And in Matt;24:34 Jesus said THIS generation would not pass away... not these generations ..not successive gereations.
So the WatchTower interpretations are wrong about the time of the end.
So if Jehovah`s Witnesses weren`t false prophets the end should have occured by 1962
I like how they try to put a positive spin on it. "If the end had come twenty years ago, how many of us would not be here?"
If the end HAD come 20 years ago, how many worldling are here who would not have to be destroyed at Armageddon?
How many more JWs for salvation compared to how many more "innocent" children < 20yo who will be eaten by birds?
@ Smiddy
Could you explain the 48 year generation in a little more detail? I'm having trouble getting it.
Mt 1:14 says,
14 A′zor became father to Za′dok;
Za′dok became father to A′chim;
A′chim became father to E?li′ud;I take it that each of these 3 groups represents 14 generations...?