Need help showing a family member the real truth behind the Society

by screwface 24 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • undercover

    The problem is that i need to know how to show them scriptually that their in a false religion

    If they really believe they are in the true religion then it can't be done. You're wasting your breath. Because they're not going to listen to anything you have to say. They already know the truth (so they think).

    If you want to expose the WTS/JWs, you'll have to do it slyly and discreetly. Just drop tidbits of info, hints of things. Get their curiousity up. Let them start to wonder, doubt, question. Nothing you say directly is going to make them say, "Ya know, he's right. JWs ARE a cult!". Ain't gonna happen. They have to have a doubt. They have to wonder if maybe something isn't right. Until then, as long as they think they're right, anything you say is apostate reasoning and they'll cover their ears and go, "LALALALALALA".

    At the risk of sounding like LeavingWT, I would recommend that you read "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan. You can learn how to get them to think for themselves instead of a direct confrontation with them.

  • designs

    Shades- One thing many of us experienced first hand after we left the Watchtower was to attend various Churches which proved to be an important step in letting go of Christianity. Screwface wanted to know about showing a JW the 'truth' from the Bible- that is a formula that simply is not workable given the reality of the situation.

  • ShadesofGrey

    I disagree. My husband, myself, my sister-in-law, my brother-in-law, my nephew, and one of my friends have all been freed from the cult within the last 5 months, all due to the truth in the Bible. We have managed to get 3 other family members to listen... for several hours, and promises of a return to the subject, actually.

  • designs

    Shades- Eventually even the Christian Believer must put the New Testament to a stringent test and that is the Rubicon.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Good luck with that one.

    undercover gave some great advice.

  • ShadesofGrey

    designs... there are some ex-JWs that eventually lose faith in the Bible, but most of them left the organization because of seeing that the org does not in fact follow it.

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe in their religion because they believe that it is based on the Bible. Shatter that.

  • ShadesofGrey

    designs... I sent you a PM.

  • ShadesofGrey

    Here is a link to my conversation with my Dad. This conversation was designed for him, as he is also disabled and in a situation of domestic abuse. My goal was to give him hope and confidence. I couldn't break away from the org without the help of Christ and I don't want him to have to do so either. I want to strengthen him first.

  • designs

    Heroin, Opium, or Methadone.

    Our former religion is one of the few Bible related religions that still hold the Bible to be 'True' and God inspired. There in lies the problem with introducing academic and critical data into any discussion. Recently I have been studying the ancient civilizations in the regions of Syria and Egypt. Both civilizations existed thousands of years before 'Adam and Eve'. Pretty compelling when you can excavate a site that has tools, pottery, artwork and dwellings at levels below the 4000BC levels.

    Point being when you want to get someone out of the Watchtower and want them to accept Christ how much homework are you personally willing to do with your own assumptions.

  • ShadesofGrey

    LOL I researched age of the earth stuff very recently in fact. It was my passion. I practically lived it for 2 and a half years. I still enjoy reading about science and history, but don't have as much time as I did then. I was very rarely going to JW meetings and wasn't a Christian, and I noticed that the evolutionary materials put out by the WTBTS were crap, so I decided to start my digging there.

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