Fully God, fully man. God the Son, the hypostatic union, a divine person who assumed a human nature.
What he wasn't was JUST a man as the JWs incorrectly teach. And he most certainly wasn't Michael the archangel preincarnate.
One little known piece of doctrine the Jehovah's Witnesses like to keep hidden from newcomers is their belief that pre-incarnate Jesus, the Word before He became flesh, was in fact an angel, Michael the archangel. Being a mere angel, their preincarnate Jesus was created, He had a beginning. The archangel Michael became flesh and was nothing more or less than a man while on earth. Then, after His resurrection and ascension to heaven Jesus became a type of superangel.
This theory is diametrically opposed to mainstream Christian teaching on the nature of the Word and Jesus Christ. Christians believe the Word was God, God the Son, and while on earth He was a divine person who assumed a human nature. Jesus was, and is, God-man. The Word, God the Son, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is eternal; he was not created and as John 1:1 attests, the Word was God.
This notion that Jesus was Michael an angel, specifically the archangel Michael, is considered bizarre in the extreme to Christians and amounts to blasphemy. The Jehovah's Witnesses' arguments in this regard are scripturally baseless. The case against Jesus being the archangel Michael is profound, and the scriptural proofs that Jesus is God-man alone disprove the Jehovah's Witnesses' theory. For example, as only God may be worshipped and Jesus was worshipped then Jesus is God and not a man. The letter to the Hebrews also makes it abundantly clear that the Son's position is far above that of angels, that God the Son is not an angel. The list of reasons why preincarnate Jesus the Word is not Michael the angel, that He is not Michael the archangel, is extensive as the below websites explain in great detail. The Jehovah's Witnesses' false doctrine that the Word was merely a created angel and that Jesus on earth was nothing more than a man amounts to heresy.