Anyone out there going to support Obama and vote for him in 2012. I think it is time for change, and I hope in the second term he brings that change. As he sure has not nothing in the last four years, and ruined this country and made it a mess while he blamed Bush. Which, as we know, is a change from the rest of not taking blame themselves. So let's give him another four years, right? As there has to be some change out there, besides the change he left in my bank account.
Wondering about your vote
by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends
Guess I can see a lot of people love the change. LOL
I don't think anyone wants to answer such a loaded question. You really just wanted to state your opinion on Obama, and that is noted. I'm sure BTS and Woods will be along to support you.
I think it is just harder to support a man, now, then it was when he gave such wonderful election speeches. Too bad, no actions.
LOL! I heard today he took credit for the increase in jobs in Nov. Wow! Amazing, how did that happen. Did he just make it happen? Wait, holiday season (Please ignore the facts, as it does not support the president).
Obama takes credit for the high usage of beaches, for people who live near oceans. Obama clains a victory, for helping kids in college see the value of education. Obama brings peace to areas like Austrailia. Obama is the Messiah!
Judge Dread
Your vote means absolutely nothing.
LOL! I heard today he took credit for the increase in jobs in Nov. Wow! Amazing, how did that happen. Did he just make it happen? Wait, holiday season (Please ignore the facts, as it does not support the president).
I see, so he can take all the blame but it would be wrong for him to take credit. The only facts that are valid are those that don't support the president. Okay. That's where are country is now, and it's useless to discuss it.
Obama put through health care reform, and that's enough for me. I don't want to be on disability forever, but I know I will never be able to work the high powered benefit stocked job I had for most of my adult life. But at least now I can choose something I will one day be able to do--and still get health care. Yeah--I'm selfish that way. I don't want to die needlessly, and I don't want to spend my life worrying constantly about getting my medication and my appointments. Conservatives hate that. It would be much easier if we all quit fighting for health care and just leave them alone.
I'm American too. I worked all my life and I paid my taxes. The gravest sin an American can commit is to get sick. Then they are parasties on the system---right? Well Obama doesn't see it that way, and he will get my vote for valuing people like me that still have something to offer but can no longer run the race.
I better make sure I work to pay for your SSDI! Right! Maybe a little overtime to get your a raise in 2012. Can you not push a broom, pick up trash or answer a phone for tech support? Seriously? How many people in our society must work in order to support the crap of the liberal. If I stand up and say, all must work to eat ... does it make me a hater or a realist! I see the truth and will not sugar coat it all to say it is acceptable to take your 800 per month of government support and not want more. I want you to do something, I want you to work and I do not want you to expect more from my fucking paycheck. Obama can take that request and shove it up his liberal ass! I take care of me, those I care about and sick and tired of people on welfate and government assistence trying to take my money. You work for 18-65 and then get social security, otherwise, get the hell off welfare and ask your government for a job that fits and not a hand out. No sympathy for the devil here.
Society will crash, upon the shoulders of the liberals who think the weak must be supported and made a big huge mistake when they took the insane among us and let them free in to society. Put them in places, where they can not harm us ... lock them up!
I better make sure I work to pay for your SSDI! Right! Maybe a little overtime to get your a raise in 2012. Can you not push a broom, pick up trash or answer a phone for tech support? Seriously? How many people in our society must work in order to support the crap of the liberal.
Okay dear heart---I cannot work. To please conservatives I suppose I should just crawl to the corner and die. But before you get all self-righteous on me and preachy, I made the responsible choices. I paid for disability insurance so that I would not have to go on SSD, and I did so for years. It was the INSURANCE company that demanded I apply for SSD because they wanted to reduce what they had to pay me. So that's the free market for ya. Sucking the government teat because they don't want to pay what they agreed to pay.
Maybe no one is responding to this thread because the author obviously hasn't a clue.