I was reading one of the posts here that 15 year old was df'd but he got reinstated in 5 months. Do you know of any case that someone got reinstated pretty fast after being df'd?
Do you know anybody that got reinstated really fast after being df'd?
by Iamallcool 18 Replies latest jw experiences
What is really fast? I was reinstated after 6 months (then stopped going). I have seen people back in as soon as a few months.
Welcome to the board, StillRight! You wanted to know what is really fast?
One Elder got reinstated and reappointed within a year. Not supprisingly it was over a Cainesque infidelity tryst. (The elder was needed to run the circuit's business).
wha happened?
30 days. The PO's daughter was reinstated 30 days from returning.
wha happened?
I saw one person df'd, reinstated, and df'd all within a 6 month period
I knew an elder's daughter who got into some hanky-panky with a newer brother. Both were reproved. Her restrictions were removed after a month; his lasted almost a year.
Found Sheep
StillRight Welcome!!!
I remember I had a big argument with my x-fiance who lived in the city (i was in the burbs) because I was stating that it was against the "societys policy" to re-instate someone within a few weeks of being DFd. Apparantly there was an 18 year old MS (they appointed them young in the city) who was DF'd, and then offered re-instatement weeks later. He declined and went off the deep end, but the fact that he was offered it, and didnt approach the elders was also a vilolation. My x defended everything about it, but thats not really the point now, since its all BS. So I guess I would answer, a few weeks, but the DF'd person didnt accept the offer. I think either the elders made a mistake and were trying to make up for it, or someone with power liked this young man and wanted to reinstate him quickly.