by mankkeli 115 Replies latest jw experiences

  • undercover

    I know because I am secretly the King of the Watchtower. I escorted Stephen Hawking to the District Convention. I used to live in Beth Sarim. I edited everything Fred Franz wrote. I am also a double agent as a general in the Vast Apostate Army. Plus, I have millions of dollars in my arsenal against WTS and I am the most interesting man in the world. Chuck Norris calls me regularly for manly advice.

    Yea, but...

    Humprey Bogart is still cooler...

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    LOL On page 2 man-cakey called himself a cyber surgeon? WTH?

  • isojourn

    Hahah! Outlaw rules.

    I'm sure the the bOrg would LOVE to monitor us more than they already do. But it just won't happen. Sorry.

    Between the manpower, skills and funds needed to pull off a full blown Big Brother operation, it will never work. Too many dum dums.

    ...and as someone else already mentioned... how much further can they go beyond DF'ing someone? Physically killing them?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    I will say one thing about the phone hook up provisions- they are stricter with who they allow to have them.

    This, too, varies from hall to hall. My hall for example.... They let ANYONE (and I mean ANYONE) hook up on the phone. It's a joke. We average like 18-25 people calling in per meeting. Nobody polices it. At all. Yet at other halls they really do follow up on stuff like this. That's why this whole "The Thought Police Are Coming!" being spread by makalacky-ding-dong or whatever his name is pure bollocks*. A lot of elders are lazy as hell. Most of em barely check up on their own families, let alone Sister Depressed or Brother Discouraged.

    * To my British friends: Did I use the term "bollocks" correctly?

  • hamsterbait

    Dont worry manky boy -

    When the GB comes after those associating on apostate web sites we will happily expose you so you have the chance to repent.

    DOES that stubble really mean trouble?

    As you type your words on this board you can notice the feel of the keys on your fingertips. As this happens do you want to pray that you dont masturbate to the images of group sex planted in your head at Watchtower studies? Do you already give thanks that you are only mentally stimulated by the images of sexual activities that pass without letup across your mind?

    Close your eyes to them. DO NOT THINK OF ORAL SEX, or same sex sensual activity.


  • bob1999

    I'm a little confussed.

    Is mankkeli a JW?

    Is he a defender of the WTS?

    OK. I did some research.

    From his other posts,

    "I'm still in and still serving as an elder, but I am finding it more and more depressing "

    "I'm not contemplating an exit, but it is becoming more and more difficult. 70% of the publishers in my current congregation are more than 65 years, so I have a whole lot of responsibilities on my shoulder. But am still thinking....."

    Could he be an opposer, like most of us, but has a weird way about him?


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    To Quote Dorothy..." Oh..You're a Very Bad Man!"


  • ex360shipper

    I can't stop laughing at all this. I had a rough day at work and this just made my day. Thanks for the comic relief.

  • fade_away

    You forgot to mention me mankheli...My name IS "fade_away". Anyway, thanks for the good news. I pray for the day the WTBTS tries something like this on me. It'll be so pathetically hilarious!.....it's too bad you're full of shit though.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    There once was a mankey who seemed nude

    In a photo he tried hard to look lewd

    his words of advice

    were not very nice

    And whenever he spoke he was booed

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