I have always stated that JW's are complete hipocrates and i have just been proven again. Pot calling Kettle black, very typical of them.
Feb 2012 public WT - they dare to comment on Harold Camping!!!
by Mickey mouse 47 Replies latest jw friends
The Wt. Spin machine has been in effect for 36 years regarding 1975.
Marvin Shilmer
It is rather pathetic that Watchtower editors found themselves unable to say what they did about Harold Camping without incriminating Watchtower’s own history of false prediction. Or, was there a Watchtower insider who thought it best to let in just a tad bit of fresh air, for a change?
Watchtower — Hollow Prophecy and is available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/12/watchtower-hollow-prophecy.html
Marvin Shilmer
Wow. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black ?? Hey WT society - who talked about 1975 being the " end of the world " ? WT leaders always have convenient amnesia. Ridiculous. Criticize others, but not themselves
I can't recall when, but I remember a WT article mocking some church, probably Catholic, down in the Caribbean area that had turnstiles that accepted quarters. If you wanted to get in, you had to have the money. Now they have credit card arrangements? Very crass and hypocritical.
FatFreek 2005
In the morning's news, Harold Camping admitted (on his web site) that he was wrong.
Doomsday prophet admits error
Something the WTBTS will never do!
Such hypocrisy from the Watchtower! Took some serious backbone for Camping to admit his error and apologize. Something the watchtower doesn't have. Even he will stand in judgement of the watchtower.